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               traits in populations.  We have known  very little about the actual molecular
               chemistry of inheritance. This lack of knowledge has resulted in never-ending
               arguments about the causes of race differences.

               "For example, it is  widely accepted among scientists (although rarely
               acknowledged in public) that blacks and whites differ substantially in average
               IQ. The never-ending arguments hinge on whether the cause of the difference
               is genetic or environmental. Over the last 40 years both environmentalists and
               hereditarians have generally  agreed that an adoption study  would settle the
               question. If black children, adopted and reared in middleclass white families,
               grew up to function intellectually and emotionally  like  whites it  would be a
               strong argument for environment. If they grew up to function  like blacks it
               would establish that the race differences were largely genetic."

               Controlled studies have been made about racial behavioral differences on dif-
               ferent planes. That these can be reproduced tells us there is a genetic dy-
               namic that over-rides or modifies environmental factors. It might be put
               this way that a gene is like a match that on its own is little problem -- it is envi-
               ronment that strikes the match. Actual behavior is effectively a combination of

               2.  But  is  the matter of spirit an important feature  with Israelites?  Ezekiel
               39:29; Isaiah 44:3.

               COMMENT: In the first verse the mood is perfect, that is, it is a done deed
               for all time. The second verse shows that the same applies to all the off-
               spring of Israelites in the future. There is NO MENTION of the spirit being
               poured out upon any other race. In Joel’s prophecy, the context is that of Isra-
               elites, and so “upon all flesh” means “upon all flesh of Israelites”.

               Israelites are free to use or to  not  use the  spirit YEHOVAH God has
               placed in them from conception. Being with foreign women creates a wrong
               environment and thus a wrong stimulus. The Messiah said, “What is begotten
               of spirit is spirit and what is begotten of flesh is flesh”. Our spirit is contained in
               a mortal body and thus is subject to the needs of that body. Body, soul and
               spirit are intimately and inextricably intertwined during life.

               Culture is the consequence of collective/community behavior that is inbuilt. Is-
               raelite culture changes when Israelites disobey YEHOVAH God.

               3. What are Israelites told? Jeremiah 10:1-2.

               COMMENT: This is precisely what the education system in white countries is
               encouraging -- led by the controlled media and many churches. We can see

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