Page 30 - BCCA3
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               Kingdom of YEHOVAH God. Those who can are those “born from above” (not
               “again” as translated) in John 3:3, from the original sowing.

               “Elohiym Seed”

               What would  happen if men  who had the ability to see the  Kingdom of
               YEHOVAH God had children  with women of other races  who could  not see
               the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God? The consequence would be children with a
               dilution or removal of their ability to “see” the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God.

               1. Does YEHOVAH God warn to take heed to our spirits? Malachi 2:14.

               COMMENT: The word “godly” here is "'elohiym”. So we see that YEHOVAH is
               seeking an “'elohiym” seed. The word “seed" is “zera”, a term used of the off-
               spring of plants and animals, and so this is not any “spiritual” seed. An unfaith-
               ful  Israelite  husband  who  produced  seed  with  a foreign  woman  would have
               children  who  were not “‘elohiym”. They  are no  longer one  with YEHOVAH’s
               people. In the  New Testament these “'elohiym” people still exist. They are
               named here as being a “theos” sort of people in the New Testament.

               2. Do we see this in III John 6?

               COMMENT: The  word translated  as “sort” means “worthy”. Who else  would
               be counted worthy to judge angels but the “‘elohiym”?

               3. Is the “throne” a place from where those in the Book of Life will judge?

               Revelation 3:21-22; Revelation 3:5-6.

               COMMENT:  Has  anyone  ever  heard  a  sermon  about  people  who  are
               “’elohiym”? (See Psalm 86:6, Isaiah 41:23 and John 10:34).

               4. What will the overcomer inherit -- and what must he overcome? Revelation

               COMMENT: Overcomers do not commit whoredom with foreign women! Noth-
               ing has changed in the  New  Testament! The Old Testament  pages are still

               5. Notice, now, Numbers 25:1-3.

               COMMENT: The racially mixed children can never become unmixed. The ge-
               netic mixture of the child has become fixed. There has been a sin against the
               “spirit” of separation.

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