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               ‘breath’ and ‘spirit,’  a  point  which cannot be preserved in English; but  at
               least ‘spirit’ is better than ‘Ghost’."

               5. States The W. Hall Commentary --

               "The use of the verb ejnefuvshsen to describe the action of Jesus here re-
               calls Gen 2:7 in the LXX, where 'the LORD God formed man out of the dust
               of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man be-
               came a living being.' This time,  however, it is Jesus  who is breathing the
               breath/Spirit of eternal life, life from above, into his disciples."

               6. Notice what the Adam Clarke Commentary states:

               "He  breathed  on  them -- Intimating,  by  this,  that  they  were to  be  made
               new  men,  in  order  to  be  properly  qualified  for  the  work  to  which  he  had

               called them; for in this breathing he evidently alluded to the first creation of
               man, when God breathed into him [Adam] the breath of lives, and he be-
               came a living soul: the breath or Spirit of God (אלהים רוח ruach Elohim )

               being the grand principle and cause of his spiritual and Divine life.

               "Receive ye the Holy Ghost -- From this act of our Lord, the influences of
               the holy spirit on the  souls of  men  have been termed his inspiration;
               from in, into, and spiro, I breathe. Every word of Christ which is received in
               the heart by faith comes accompanied by this Divine breathing; and, with-
               out this, there is neither light nor life. Just  as Adam  was  before  God
               breathed the quickening spirit into him, so is every human [Israelite] soul till
               it receives this inspiration. Nothing is seen, known, discerned, or felt of
               God, but through this. To every private Christian [Israelite] this is essen-
               tially requisite; and no man ever did or ever can preach the Gospel of God,
               so as to convince and convert sinners, without it."

               From Adam to Abraham, Adam’s pure line contained the breath  of
               life. Through Abraham and Sarah, YEHOVAH God was restoring the spir-
               itual power for Abraham’s posterity.

               7.  Why was  YEHOVAH  God  restoring  the  spiritual  power  for  Abraham’s
               seed? John 1:12.

               COMMENT: To “become the Sons of God”. YEHOVAH was making a new
               beginning  with Abraham. None other than the seed  of Abraham, through
               the child of promise, Isaac, has this opportunity or potential.

               8. What are we told in Hebrews11:18?

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