Page 24 - BCCA4
P. 24

                                   Check Your Progress…

               This multiple choice test is designed to help you review the preceding les-
               son. It’s an enjoyable way of putting to use some of the vital knowledge and
               understanding you have gained through this lesson.

               Select  one  of  the  four  choices  given  under  each  question or  incomplete
               statement. The other three are incorrect -- unless stated or indicated oth-

               Take sufficient time to understand each question or statement, as well as
               the choices. Try to do as many as you can without referring to the lesson. If
               you have difficulty deciding on the correct answer, then review the part of
               the lesson in question.

               1. It seems apparent that in Genesis 1 A. just one man was created B. only

               animals were created C. YEHOVAH God created male and female at the
               same time  D.  YEHOVAH God created mankind after He rested on the

               2.  It  seems  apparent that in Genesis  2 A. Adam  was formed B. the pre-
               Adamic races were created C. YEHOVAH God completed the creation of
               Genesis 1 D. YEHOVAH God gave His spirit to those created in Genesis 1.

               3. The Bible clearly states that A. man has a soul that leaves him at death
               and goes to heaven or hell B. man’s soul is more than life C. prayers can

               be offered up to Mary and the saints D. man is a soul.

               4. Adam and Eve were told by YEHOVAH God to A. multiply and subdue

               the earth B. tend and keep the garden C. intermarry with the pre-Adamic
               races D. eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

               5. Cain obtained his wife by marrying A. someone from the Genesis 1 crea-

               tion B. his sister C. someone YEHOVAH specifically created for him D. an
               angelic being.

               6. The “sons of God” were A. angelic beings B. men from the Adamic line
               C. a people called the Nephilim D. a pre-Adamic race of giants.

               7. The “daughters of men” were A. from the pre-Adamic races B. a cosmo-

               logically mixed race C. godly Sethites D. angels that were flung back to

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