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An Open Letter from the Staff…

               You would be shocked to know the real ”Bible
               I.Q.” of most professing Christians.

               Not long ago an eye-opening report on the
               total ignorance about the Bible in the church-
               es hit the headlines. It was reported in sever-
               al of the world’s leading newspapers and on
               the Internet. It ought to startle you!

               “Some months ago,” comments this report, “a        HOPE OF ISRAEL MINISTRIES
               Protestant pastor administered a Bible quiz to                  ADVANCED
               members of his congregation. The questions
               were very simple. Anyone with a general                           BIBLE
               knowledge  of  the  Bible  should  have been       CORRESPONDENCE COURSE
               able to answer all of them easily!                                 TEST 1

               “The results staggered the pastor!” And they
               will stagger you! “Only 5% of his flock made a                   Websites:
               commendable  grade on  the  test.  15%  failed    
               to give a  single  correct answer. 60%  were    
               unable to name the four gospels. 75% could
               not identify Calvary as the place where Jesus    E-mail:
               was crucified.
                                                                Published at Azusa, California by Hope of
               “Some  congregations,”  continued  the  report,
               “might do better than that. But not many. The    Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH).
               vast  majority  of  Americans  [and  British]  to-
               day  are  Bible  illiterates!  They  simply  have      EDITOR AND DIRECTOR
               never read the book which they profess to                      John D. Keyser
               regard  as  the  ‘Word  of  God.’  A  great  many
               people have turned away from the Bible be-               TECHNICAL ADVISOR
               cause when they try to read it, they find they                 Sean C. Keyser
               cannot understand it….To the modern
               reader, it has a remote and antiquarian flavor.   YOUR ENROLLMENT has been paid by
               It is likely to leave him with the impression the   others. Bulk copies for distribution not
               Bible  is  an  ancient  history  book  that has no   given or sold.
               real relevance to his life here and now.”        ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS to the
                                                                Editor at the following address:
               You don’t need to be in this precarious posi-    Hope of Israel Ministries, P.O. Box 853,
               tion!  YEHOVAH  God  has  put  within  your
               reach knowledge the world can’t understand       Azusa, California 91702, U.S.A.
               –  the knowledge which  really counts. The          About Our Cover…
               knowledge of what the future holds for those
               of  Israel.  The  vital  knowledge  necessary  for   Pictured on our Test 1 cover is a composite
               salvation. And it has been made so easy, if         of the cover graphics used in the preceding
               you are willing to surrender and obey your          four  lessons. Each picture  is a reminder of
               Creator! This will be the most important study      the  marvelous  Bible  truths  you  studied  with
               of your life!                                       each lesson.

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