Page 7 - BCCAT1
P. 7

A. Shem, Ham and Japheth.
               B. Seth, Lamech and Jared.
               C. Abel, Enoch and Noah.
               D. Enos, Moses and Isaiah.

               9. Why did the Messiah speak to the Israelites in Judea in parables?

               A. To make plain the truth of YEHOVAH God.
               B. To maintain the spiritual blindness of the majority because their time to
               understand had not yet come.
               C. So they would understand and repent.
               D. To gather a large following of true believers.

               10. Israel didn’t keep its part of the covenant with YEHOVAH God because

               A. blessings for obedience never came when they followed righteous lead-

               ers.                                                                                                         B.
               the blessings were insufficient for the effort required.                               C.
               in lacking YEHOVAH’s holy spirit, they couldn’t resist Satan and submit
               their carnal natures to YEHOVAH God.
               D. of their spiritual comprehension of YEHOVAH’s Law.

               11. What did YEHOVAH God do to His people after pleading with them for
               centuries to obey Him?

               A. He sent them into captivity as punishment.
               B. He forced them to obey Him.
               C. He rejected them and chose another nation as His own.
               D. He continued to plead with them for several more centuries.

               12. The record written in human experience by Israel and Judah proves

               A. nothing for us today.
               B. that disobedience was unique to them.
               C. that given enough time they finally would have obeyed YEHOVAH God.
               D. that without the holy spirit the Adamic man is incapable of understanding
               YEHOVAH’s spiritually revealed truth and obeying the Ten Command-
               ments from the heart.

                        What About the Non-Israelite Races if Israel is Exclusive?

               13. To what event does Zechariah 14 refer to?

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