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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 8

C. shine as the sun and have great power. C. He destroys them by various methods.
D. look no different than they do in their D. Nothing, since there is no such thing as sin.
present mortal bodies.
Lesson 32
28. We will Evolution -- Fact? Or Fabrication?

A. never be able to see spiritual objects. 33. The “Law of Biogenesis” states that
B. see spiritual objects only when we “go to
heaven.” A. biology is a proof of evolution.
C. be able to see spiritual objects when we are B. the book of Genesis is unscientific.
BORN of YEHOVAH God -- transformed at C. dead matter will, by itself, produce life.
the resurrection into spirit beings. D. life can come only from life.
D. be able to see spiritual objects only if we
“go to hell.” 34. The existence of life

29. YEHOVAH’s throne A. is fully explained by evolution.
B. is a proof that YEHOVAH God must exist,
A. is located in the second heaven. because life is not an inherent property of
B. is on Mount Zion in Palestine today. matter.
C. is not on spiritual Mount Zion. C. is a result of “spontaneous generation.”
D. is in the temple of the heavenly Jerusalem. D. is purely the result of “electro-chemical
30. Which ONE of these four statements is
TRUE? 35. What is the importance of URANIUM?

A. No man can know any of the “hidden” A. It proves that there has been no past eternity
knowledge of YEHOVAH God. of matter.
B. Man’s finite mind cannot account for B. It proves that YEHOVAH God does not
YEHOVAH’s great knowledge. exist.
C. There is a limit to YEHOVAH’s C. It proves nothing.
understanding. D. It is important only in atomic warfare.
D. Man can count the total number of stars.
36. Since matter has not always existed,
31. Life is possible
A. there is no need of a Creator.
A. through “spontaneous generation.” B. matter could have evolved of itself out of
B. only if given as a free gift from YEHOVAH nothing.
God. C. its existence today demands a Creator.
C. through natural changes in dead matter. D. we can know nothing about the origin of
D. by a mixture of gases. anything.

32. What does YEHOVAH do to areas where 37. Which ONE of these four statements is
grievous sin has been committed? TRUE?

A. He always floods them. A. You can be a true Christian and still believe
B. He leaves them untouched. in evolution.
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