Page 7 - test8.vp
P. 7
Test 8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7
C. At the Messiahs appearance the world will A. The Jews will control the world.
be as in the days of Noah -- not suspecting that B. The earth will become desolate for 1000
sudden destruction lies just ahead. years.
D. There are ministers who preach the doctrine C. There will be peace, prosperity and
that the Messiah might return any minute. happiness.
D. The world will be the same as we see it
2. Within less than two centuries after the today.
Messiah, the wayward paganized Christian
churches BEGAN to teach that the Messiahs 6. According to the Bible
future appearance
A. the Messiah will not appear until after the
A. was a Judean (Jewish) fable and should be Millennium.
condemned as rank heresy. B. Yeshua the Messiah will appear again just
B. must be believed if Christians are to be before the Millennium.
saved. C. Yeshua the Messiah came the second time
C. needed to be preached with more vigor to as the holy spirit on the Day of Pentecost -- and
the Gentiles. hence has been here ever since.
D. contained the worlds only lasting hope for D. the Messiah came secretly in 1914 at the end
world peace. of the world.
3. The gospel which the Messiah preached is 7. Yeshua and all the apostles warned that
the good news before the future appearance of the Messiah,
A. about the Israel Message. A. church leaders would not take an active part
B. that YEHOVAH God is the Supreme Ruler in politics to bring peace to the nations.
and will soon intervene in world affairs to B. not enough people would be interested in
establish His government on earth. revival meetings.
C. that the churches will reform the world. C. the people would not support their churches.
D. that Christians go to heaven if they believe D. there would be an apostasy -- a falling into
that the Messiah is the Saviour. error -- which would deceive the many, not just
the few.
4. History proves that the original inspired true
Ecclesia of apostolic times believed 8. The last trumpet which is to be blown at the
future appearance of the Messiah
A. that the Messiah would not appear on this
earth again. A. will be heard only by the saints.
B. that the Church is the Kingdom. B. will not be heard by the world.
C. that the duty of Christians is to enforce C. is NOT the same as the seventh trumpet
Christianity on the world. mentioned in Revelation.
D. that the Messiah and YEHOVAH God D. is the same as the seventh trumpet
would literally return to set up the Kingdom of mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
YEHOVAH God here on earth.
9. Which ONE of these four statements is
5. What will the earth be like when FALSE?
YEHOVAHs Kingdom is established?