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4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 8
talk about their various INTERPRETATIONS your GOD? Actually, most people do not realize
of the Bible? Take, for instance, Romans 6:23: the true answer. WHOever, or WHATever you
For the wages of sin is DEATH; the GIFT of worship, fasten your affection on, and SERVE,
God is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ IS your GOD.
our Lord." Most Christian religions INTER- Ones country may -- and often does --
PRET THAT -- which is to say, they CHANGE become ones god. Through a wrong kind of
ITS MEANING, to make it say precisely the patriotism, many WORSHIP their country. Here
opposite. They claim that the MAN is an is a Bible definition: And they WORSHIPPED
immortal soul. Man, therefore, they believe, the dragon (Satan) which gave power unto the
already HAS eternal life -- he CANNOT DIE! beast (Roman Empire): and they WOR-
So, they INTERPRET this verse to MEAN the SHIPPED the beast, saying, WHO IS LIKE
very opposite of what it SAYS, thus: The wages UNTO THE BEAST? WHO IS ABLE TO
of sin is ETERNAL LIFE (in hell); and eternal MAKE WAR WITH HIM?" (Revelation 13:4.)
life is NOT the gift of God." Satan is the god of this world (II
There are others who INTERPRET Corinthians 4:4). People do not think of him as
death to mean separation from God," and the Devil -- but as their GOD. People unwitting-
gift of eternal life to mean eternal life which ly serve Satan, obey Satan, accept his lies and
is NOT a gift, but which you already possess, believe them and call them truth.
spent in the geographical PRESENCE OF And people worshipped THEIR COUN-
Christ." TRY, the Roman Empire, by saying, WHO IS
This is the dishonest process which AS GREAT AS OUR COUNTRY? WHO IS
religious bodies make the Bible say whatever ABLE TO FIGHT AGAINST OUR COUN-
they want it to say. Peter speaks of this twisting, TRY?" Your BIBLE says THAT IS WORSHIP!
distorting, and wresting of the Scriptures, WHOever, or WHATever you serve and
which they that are unlearned and unstable obey becomes your god. Your Bible says,
wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves
their own destruction. Ye therefore, beloved, servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye
seeing ye know these things before, BEWARE obey, whether of sin unto DEATH, or of
lest ye also, being led away with the error of the OBEDIENCE (to YEHOVAHs Law) -- unto
wicked, fall from your own steadfastness" (II righteousness? (Romans 6:16.)
Peter 3:16-17). The very name -- or title -- LORD
We ought to understand, therefore, how MEANS MASTER, or RULER, or the ONE
those who, like the Roman Catholic Church, YOU OBEY. Do you not understand what the
reject the Bible as the supreme AUTHORITY -- Messiah meant when he said, And why call ye
setting themselves, as a CHURCH, ahead of it as me LORD, LORD, and DO NOT the things
supreme authority (saying they have power to which I say?" (Luke 6:46.) To CALL Yeshua
CHANGE the Bible -- as they claim to have LORD, or MASTER, is to call Him THE
done by changing YEHOVAHs Sabbath to ONE YOU OBEY. To call Him that while you
Sunday); or those who CHANGE the Bible to disobey Him is to LIE!
suit their own ideas and wishes by INTER- So lets come to a RIGHT UNDER-
PRETING it their own way -- we ought now to STANDING of just WHO the true GOD
understand how they can compromise and GET REALLY IS! Lets see WHY this worlds
TOGETHER. churches are able to compromise, and GET
But do they even HAVE the one true TOGETHER, and talk about UNITING.
LIVING God? The one and only TRUE God is the
Just what determines WHO, or WHAT is EVERLIVING God who RULES by His