Page 35 - BV13
P. 35

Why do you fume with envy, you mountains of many peaks? This is the mountain [Sinai]
                              which God desires to dwell ["shakan"] in; yes, the LORD [YEHOVAH] will dwell in it
                              forever. The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of thousands; the
                              LORD is among them as in Sinai, in the Holy Place. You have ascended on high, you
                              have led captivity captive; you have received gifts among men, even among the
                              rebellious, that the LORD GOD might dwell ["shakan"] there. -- Psalm 68:16-18.

                              Later, as we have seen, the physical "Shekinah" presence of YEHOVAH took up residence
                       in the newly completed Tabernacle and was apparent to the whole nation of Israel.

                              There are a number of other occasions when the direct intervention of YEHOVAH was
                       manifest in a "Shekinah" presence to Moses. At the time of the setting up of the Tabernacle (before
                       it was finished) YEHOVAH God spoke to Moses out of the cloud and Moses realized the "Sheki-
                       nah" was a VEHICLE and NOT YEHOVAH Himself. As we see in Exodus 33, Moses asked for
                       more -- to actually "see" YEHOVAH -- and YEHOVAH allowed him to see A LARGER POR-
                       TION of His PHYSICAL "Shekinah" presence. Notice --

                              And the LORD [YEHOVAH] said to Moses, "I will also do this thing that you have
                              asked; for you have truly gained My favor and I have singled you out by name." He
                              [Moses] said, "Oh, let me behold Your Presence!" [He was speaking to Yehovah's voice
                              coming from the "Shekinah."] And He [YEHOVAH] answered, "I will make all My
                              goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim before you the name LORD [YEHOVAH,
                              YHVH], and the grace that I grant and the compassion that I show. But," He said, "you
                              cannot see My face, for men may not see Me and live."

                              After Israel entered the Promised Land, YEHOVAH's presence was manifested spiritually
                       in the Tabernacle -- but not often in a physical manner. YEHOVAH's actual presence was always
                       accepted by the Israelites as being in the Tabernacle (and later in the Temple), but was not always
                       physically confirmed by the visible "Shekinah." However, there were occasional renewals of mi-
                       raculous appearances of the "Shekinah" -- such as when the Temple of Solomon was dedicated.
                       There was an initial appearance in a vision when the LORD (YEHOVAH) promised that He
                       would "shakan" or dwell in the house that Solomon was building. Notice I Kings 6:11-13:

                              Then the word of the LORD [YEHOVAH] came to Solomon, "With regard to this House
                              [Temple] you are building -- if you follow My laws and observe My rules and faithfully
                              keep My commandments, I will fulfill for you the promise that I gave to your father
                              David: I will abide ["shakan"] among the children of Israel, and I will never forsake My
                              people Israel."

                              Later, when the construction of the Temple was finished and the day of dedication was at
                       hand, the holy "Shekinah" manifested itself in a very physical way --

                              When the priests came out of the sanctuary -- for the cloud ["Shekinah"] had filled the
                              House of the LORD and the priests were not able to remain and perform the services be
                              cause of the cloud ["Shekinah"], for the Presence of the LORD filled the House of the
                              LORD -- then Solomon declared: "The LORD has chosen to abide ["shaken"] in a thick

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