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God's calendar has been one of our pet topics of study. 4/. I am amazed that a change as fundamental to the
We are still studying the information you sent. Also, Jewish Religion and culture as the rotating seven day
thank you for the calendar information and the copies cycle could have been implemented without major up-
of your Berean Voice. roar and controversy. Do you have any evidence of
such an uproar?
There have been numerous books put out relating to the
Dead Sea Scrolls discoveries that we have looked into 5/. The Jewish leadership must have been observing
and are familiar with, including an informative and the Sabbath on the correct day during Messiah's minis-
lengthy book of over 1000 pages entitles "James the try or he would have upbraided them for it. Also he
Brother of Jesus," by Robert Eiseman, which we re- would have taught his disciples correctly and they
cently found interesting. would have recorded it for us. My conclusion is that
until at least 90 AD the correct Sabbath was being ob-
You must be very busy since we have found that it takes served. In your opinion, when was the Sabbath cycle
a lot of time and thought to put together facts in order changed, and what do you base this opinion on?
to know where to stand on the various religious issues.
One of our next projects is to read the book, "Calen- 6/. Do you know of any other groups which follow
dars in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Measuring Time," which Sabbaths based on the Lunar Phases? Do you know of
you mentioned in your calendar articles as our re- any Jewish or Nazarene Sects which observe this?
search on that continues.
I thank you for any info you can provide to these ques-
Enclosed is a money order for your work. You cer- tions. We would also like to be placed on the mailing
tainly put out quite a volume of material; we have found list for The Berean Voice.
it helpful.
J. & P. M
Mr. & Mrs. J. P. COMMENT: Thank you for your detailed message.
While there is not enough room in this section to an-
*** swer all of your questions, I will attempt some of the
shorter ones and refer you to other articles, etc. for the
We are amazed by the information on keeping the Sab- others.
bath by the lunar phases. We have observed the Sabbath
by the Roman calendar for many years. For the past 1 1/. We observe the "First Crescent" as sighted in Jeru-
1/2 years we have been interested in and studying the salem. See our article entitled Determining YEHO-
"New Moon" without understanding exactly why. We VAH's True Calendar for more details.
would appreciate your opinion on a couple of
questions: 2/. We observe the Feast of Trumpets from sunset to
sunset when the moon is at the first crescent sighting.
1/. A few times a year the "First Crescent" is sighted in
the USA the night before it is spotted in Jerusalem. Do 3/. There are a number of books available, such as The
you start the countdown to the first Sabbath based on Seven Day Circle by Eviatar Zerubavel, and Rest Days
the USA sighting or Jerusalem, and what is your ration- by Hutton Webster, that go into more detail about the
ale for your decision? change from the Lunar Week to the continuous week
as we know it today. Also, a good book on the life of
2/. Do you observe the Feast of Trumpets when the Constantine "the Great" will document the change he
moon is in conjunction or at the first crescent made from the Roman week then observed in the Ro-
sighting? man Empire to the weekly cycle as we now know it.
3/. Do you have any additional information (in addition 4/. The changes, like those introduced into the Chris-
to that in your website articles) on the Babylonian Rab- tian Church after the death of the original apostles,
bis changing the Sabbath from Lunar based to a rotating were gradual and insidious. There may have been some
seven day cycle? "uproars", but I don't believe record of them has been
preserved for us today. So much has been lost over the
centuries that we just get a glimmer today.