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         M          Dear Hope of Israel Ministries,          Bro. Josh.

                   Please find the enclosed amount a dona-
                   tion to help cover some of your expenses. (We  Dear Mr. Keyser;  ***
                   wish it could be more).
         A         We enjoy studying your research articles. In  RE: The Scots, Stone of Scone, etc.

                   general, we find the content of your material to
                   be very worthwhile. Your Ministry appears to be  Just thought you may find the enclosed photo-
                   fully objective in seeking the truth. Keep up the
                                                             copied pages from Rev. James MacKenzie's
         I         good work.                                1902 "History of Scotland" of some interest.
                   J & S. D.                                 Incidentally, this same book describes, on ear-
                                                             lier pages, the discovery many, many years ago
         L         COMMENT:    Thanks for the encouragement.  of arrowheads and dug-out canoes which were
                   The whole aim, thrust and motivation of this
                                                             unearthed while excavating along the Clyde near
                   ministry is the truth of YEHOVAH -- wherever
                                                             with the same sort of artifact illustrations of
                   that may lead.                            Glasgow. Putting the illustrations side-by-side
                                                             some North American Indian tribes, one would
                                     ***                     not be able to distinguish the North American
                                                             from the Scottish artifacts and vice versa.
         B         Dear Hope of Israel Ministries            Thanks for continuing to send The Berean Voice.

                   I am writing on the discussion on the New
                                                             with a request for two or three articles (and a
                   Moons. I, too, brethren, thought the Sabbath was  I will be sending you my renewal form along
                   on a Sunday. Then I started keeping the Saturday  small donation) under separate cover as soon as
         A         as the Sabbath. However, to my surprise, the  possible.
                   Sabbath was neither Saturday nor Sunday. I soon
                   discovered that the lights were for signs, sea-  Thanks again,
                   sons, days, and years (Gen. 1:14). Now I under-  M. R.
                   stand how Noah kept the Sabbath (Gen. 8:4),
         G         David kept the New Moon Sabbath (Ps. 81:3),  COMMENT:  Many thanks for the interesting
                                                             photo-copies. This further verifies the origins of
                   Solomon (II Chr. 2:4).
                                                             some of the North American Indian tribes.
                   The Sabbath should be a joy to keep but I find the
                   seventh day hard to keep because I have to pack a            ***
                   lunch and go to school. I am praying that Yahweh
                   will place me at a job after high school that I will  Dear Editor,
                   enjoy and be able to keep the seventh day holy.
                                                             Hi. I just wanted to drop a line and say "Good
                   Yahweh must remain in the heavens till all things  work." The Father definitely is working through
                   spoken of by his holy prophets should be filled  you. I know from experience (and I am a fairly
                   (Acts 3:21). Yahweh's Word will get fulfilled  new believer) that it is often difficult to come up
                   (Luke 21:32).                             against those who refuse to see the Truth, as
                                                             taken from the Scriptures.
                   May Yahweh bless Hope of Israel Ministries!
                                                             I've received a couple of nasty e-mails, because I
                   Sincerely,                                don't  support  the  "religious"  holiday  of

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