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Christmas, and although I'm still planning to post an ar-  And so I would like to express my great thanks for his
                       ticle on the paganism behind the holidays, I have al-  masterly teaching of a very difficult subject.
                       ready received flack on the articles about the paganism
                       behind the days of the week, and the months of the  The Trinity teaching never really sat well with me. Then
                       year.                                           the W.C.G. explanations also did not totally satisfy me
                                                                       on the subject -- their explanations (probably my fault)
                       So, remember when things get tough to:          seem to me to go rather close to a Bi-une type of un-
                                                                       derstanding. Christianity seems to blur  the separate
                       Trust in the Father with all thine heart.       identities of the Father and the Son as one unit rather
                                                                       than one in Purpose, one in understanding the Plan of
                       Pray unceasingly.                               God -- the latter because Jesus did receive the Holy
                                                                       Spirit without measure. He, Jesus, always credited the
                       And know that there are some of us out there who feel  Father as being greater than He, the one that was sent,
                       the same way, and are grateful that there is someone  thereby (to my mind) always clearly indicating TWO
                       else posting articles of Truth.                 identities but not quite to be seen as one Godhead. I
                                                                       see God as the Ancient of Days who always did exist
                       Thank you, and may YHWH bless you and keep you.  and am remembered of Deut. 6:4 by "Hear, O Israel,
                                                                       the Lord our God is one Lord," etc. -- e.a. not two
                       Love,                                           Gods. In the W.C.G. I was told that BOTH the Father
                       A.                                              and the Son were Ancient of Days. Isaiah 9:6 did not
                                                                       help me much when the son, given to us, is called
                                            ***                        Mighty God, Everlasting Father. Frankly, that still puz-
                                                                       zles me, really. Maybe THAT might be a good subject
                       Dear Friends,                                   for an article?

                       Among the many articles one reads over the years  John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
                       there are sometimes articles that are so fantastic in  was with God, and the Word  was  God" surely can be
                       their contents that it at first tends to throw you some-  easily misunderstood, and particularly "with" so much
                       what off balance because they are so different in con-  tends us to think in terms of another entity, n.l. Jesus,
                       tent to what one normally gets.                 as the Christ, as the Lamb slain from the beginning of
                                                                       the world (IF one sees that that what was in the Mind of
                                                                       God was a fact of reality in history rather than a revela-
                       One such article is the one by Anthony Buzzard on The
                       Nature of Pre-Existence in the New Testament, in  tion of future events). So, if I now understand cor-
                                                                       rectly, God and the Word are one and the same and this
                       the May/June 2001 The Berean Voice. Some 10 years  Word is His Wisdom -- all this is One Lord. Then (in
                       ago I came across this subject but...not being able to  the fullness of time, e.a. about 4 B.C.) Jesus was born
                       throw off that which I had always been taught, I re-  into the world, then NOT previously having existed
                       jected it outright. Later on I tried again to understand  other than "in the Mind of God," as a fully human being
                       what the Christadelphians were saying about the sub-  even if as a Father it was God Himself who overshad-
                       ject and whilst it might have become somewhat less of  owed (love that expression) Mary to start the process.
                       a mystery -- I again put it away and out of my mind to  And this Jesus was declared to be the Son of God with
                       some extent. But now there is Anthony Buzzard's arti-  Anthony Buzzard offering the understanding that this
                       cle yet again on this subject and this time I am so ex-  Son of God because of having been given the Holy
                       cited about his explanation of how we are to understand  spirit without measure, now also became the full ex-
                       the Jewish (Hebrew) language and how they understand  pression of the Word, the Wisdom of God. And so He
                       what constitutes the Mind of God. A light began to  could truly say that He was One with the Father (though
                       shine brightly in the mind of this old man (75) but was  not saying He was one in Person).
                       somewhat interrupted by a 3 week hospital visit before
                       I again could read the article again. I was so excited  Obviously, at first, I thought of Jesus praying that He
                       that I barely slept that night so great I felt was that  might have the glory He had with the Father before the
                       revelation! The pages are full of markings on my  world was made (John 17:5) among other objections I
                       thoughts as I went on to read the article, leaving little  immediately put up in my mind when I read the article.
                       space on the pages; forget about all the underlinings!  Now these things, too, make sense. Wow! Indeed, my

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