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become known as Palestine. As far as I know there has from family, brethren and friends. Right now I have no
never been a Palestine country and that Jerusalem has funds at all....
only been the capital of Israel. Other than that Israel
has been occupied by the Romans, the Oman [Otto- While I'm not convinced of your belief in the "lunar
man?] Empire and so on until it was given back to them sabbath cycle," I do enjoy your articles on the House of
in 1948. I'm very interested in all this history. Do you Israel and share many of your other beliefs including
have anything about this on your website or can you di- the belief that the flood was local not global. How else
rect me to information about this? does one account for the many variations of race extant
at or near the time of the flood? And, how could all
Thank you! these strangers have come from our ancestors Adam &
P. Chavvah??
COMMENT: The name "Palestine" is derived from the I've known of Mr. Hunt's book A Woman Rides the
Latin Palaestina and the Greek Pa-lai-sti'ne. This lat- Beast for about the last 4-5 years....I wrote him a letter
ter word, in turn, is derived from the Hebrew Pe- several years ago and he told me that I'd soon be hear-
le'sheth. In the Hebrew Scriptures Pele'sheth ing from "the brethren and to expect a complimentary
(translated "Philistia") occurs only in reference to the copy of his book soon" but I never heard from anyone
limited coastal territory occupied by the Philistines connected to his "congregation" nor did I receive the
(Ex. 15:14; Ps. 60:8; 83:7; 87:4; 108:9; Isa. 14:29, 31; book....If I remember correctly he is little more than a
Joel 3:4). The Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th "secular mainstream Sunday Christian" if I recall his
century B.C., and later other secular writers such as letter to me??
Philo, Ovid, Pliny, Josephus and Jerome used the
Greek and Latin terms to designate all that territory Do you folks have a used, damaged, donated or other-
formerly known as "the land of Canaan" or "the land of wise unsaleable copy of A Woman Rides the Beast
Israel" (Nu. 34:2; 1 Sam. 13:19). The Roman emperor that I could possibly obtain for my study?
Vespasian also described this territory as "Palestine"
on the coins he struck in commemoration of Jerusa- I'm very much interested in any articles you have on Is-
lem's fall in 70 A.D. lam because as an Israelite man who believes in the
law, and that America is regathered Israel, it never
The term "Palestine" as it is used today refers to a gen- ceases to amaze me why we allow these strangers and
eral region, and does not imply precise boundaries. On god-worshippers to exist in our land? These terror at-
the south an imaginary line could be drawn from the tacks could not be carried out if there were no strang-
southern end of the Dead Sea to the southeast corner ers living among us who are both racial aliens and
of the Mediterranean Sea, and on the north another line devil-worshippers!
running from the southern slopes of Mount Hermon to
a point near the city of Tyre. This area, from north to I must close before I get too irritated about this seri-
south, "from Dan to Beer-sheba" (1 Sam. 3:20; 2 Sam. ous problem.
3:10), was about 150 miles in length. From the Medi-
terranean on the west, Palestine extended to the Ara- May Yah bless thee always,
bian Desert on the east. All together, the area In Yahshua Messiah's name,
amounted to approximately 9,850 square miles -- less D. B.
than the size of Belgium, but a little larger than the
state of New Hampshire, U.S.A. COMMENT: Your name will remain on our mailing
list as long as you request it. You should have received
*** a copy of the book A Woman Rides the Beast by now.
We will send you some articles on Islam shortly.
Dear Brethren,
Greetings in the name of Yahweh! How are you folks?
Please continue to send me The Berean Voice. I can- Dear John:
not send you any donations now though because [I] am
a Texas inmate. I earn no money and survive by my wits We felt gratified when in our search for your address
and on infrequent donations to my inmate trust fund we heard back from you. Your information concerning