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would ever exist.

        Verse 4: Through him [it, the SHEKINAH GLORY] was life and life became the spark of

        Verse 5: And that [ensuing] fire [the SHEKINAH GLORY] lights the darkness and darkness
        does not overshadow it [the SHEKINAH GLORY].

               Of course, this is not to say that the translation of the book of John in the King James Ver-
        sion -- and all those that are based on it -- are wrong. It just means that we don't understand the id-
        iom of John's day and we get all confused with the Greek concept of the Logos that John uses to get
        his point across. John nowhere indicates that this "Word" or "Logos" is anything else but the Shek-
        inah Glory of YEHOVAH God.

               Finally, in Revelation 1:2, "the Word of God" is clearly separated from the Messiah --

               This is the revelation which God gave to Yeshua the Messiah, so that he could show his
               servants what must happen very soon. He communicated it by sending his angel to his
               servant Yochanan [John], who bore witness to THE WORD OF GOD AND to the
               testimony of Yeshua the Messiah....

               The next verse, verse 14 of Revelation 19, states that "the ARMIES OF HEAVEN, clothed
        in fine linen, white and pure, were following him [Adonai, Yehovah (see verse 6)] on white
        horses." Throughout the New Testament the "armies of heaven" are ALWAYS associated with, and
        are commanded by, ADONAI -- who, according to the plain words of the apostle James is THE
        FATHER! "With it [the tongue] we bless ADONAI, THE FATHER; and with it we curse people,
        who were made in the image of God" (James 3:9) -- Jewish New Testament. Further, in Ephe-
        sians 1:3, this is echoed when Paul says -- "Praised be ADONAI, FATHER OF OUR LORD YE-
        SHUA THE MESSIAH..."

               In Revelation 1:8 we find written: "I am the 'A' and the 'Z' ('Alpha' and the 'Omega')," says
        ADONAI [YEHOVAH, YHVH], God of HEAVEN'S ARMIES, the One [ADONAI] who is, who
        was AND WHO IS COMING." Again, in Revelation 4:8: "Holy, holy, holy is ADONAI, GOD OF
        HEAVEN'S ARMIES, the One who was, who is and who IS COMING." Also, in Revelation
        11:16 -- "We thank you, ADONAI [YEHOVAH, YHVH], GOD OF HEAVEN'S ARMIES, the One
        who is and was, that you have taken your power [in the form of the "Shekinah"] AND HAVE BE-

               I don't wish to seem redundant, but the One on the white horse leading the armies of heaven
        to this earth is YEHOVAH THE FATHER in His "Shekinah" form -- NOT Yeshua the Messiah!

               Moving now to verse 16 of Revelation 19, we read -- "And on his robe and on his thigh he
        has a name written: 'KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.'" These titles denote the ultimate
        in praise that can be bestowed and, therefore, must be titles of YEHOVAH the Father. Throughout
        the New Testament Yeshua indicates that the Father was far GREATER than he -- see John 14:28

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