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Also, this rainbow on Yeshua's head represents the faithful witness of covenant mercy and
        protection to his own -- the saints -- in the business he is about to undertake. That business, clearly
        defined in Revelation 11, is that of the separation of those who are really his own from the great
        mass of professing disciples.

               Continues Then is Finished the Mystery of God --

               As regards this "strong angel," the fact that "his face was as the sun" corresponds with what
               the apostle John says concerning his earlier vision of Jesus Christ at the divine temple, that
               "his countenance was as the sun when it shines in its power." (Revelation 1:16) This may
               have reminded John of when he saw Jesus transfigured on a "lofty mountain" in the Middle
               East, that "his face shone as the sun, and his outer garments became brilliant as the light."
               (Matthew 17:1, 2)....Here in this vision of the "strong angel" we see a happy combination
               of cloud, sun and rainbow (1969: P. 250).

               The planting of the feet, which are likened to pillars of fire, one on the sea (the masses of
        people and nations in general), and one on the earth, signifies the worldwide scope of his business
        -- and also the immovable steadfastness of his purpose to accomplish it. We find, in Then is Fin-
        ished the Mystery of God, the following --

               So John could say of the "strong angel" that "his feet were as fiery pillars." The angel's feet
               were glorious as well as his head, just as in the vision of Revelation 1:14, 15. Whatever
               would come under his power, control and authority would come, as it were, under glorious
               feet, sturdy like pillars, no more to be tampered with than fire is. If the "sea" upon which he
               set his right foot was the Aegean Sea in which the Isle of Patmos lay, and the "earth" upon
               which he set his left foot was the nearby land of Asia Minor, then the "strong angel" was
               facing southward. Or, if the sea and earth were, so to speak, the Mediterranean Sea and an-
               cient Palestine, he would still be facing south. This would picture how the whole earth, its
               seas and dry land, have now been put under the feet of the glorified Jesus Christ, that is
               to say, have been put in subjection to him by the Almighty God Jehovah. The fish of the sea
               and the living creatures on the dry land, including the birds who roost at the earth, are now
               all subject to the resurrected, glorified heavenly Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 2:5-9; Psalm
               8:4-8) (1969: Pps. 250-251).

               It is further said of the angel that he "shouted in a voice as loud as the roar of a lion;" and
        that "when he shouted, seven thunderclaps sounded with voices that spoke." This recalls the fact
        that Yeshua was called "the lion that is of the tribe of Judah" (Revelation 5:5) -- the glorified Mes-
        siah now clothed with kingly power in the heavens, awaiting his return to this earth.

               In verses 5 through 7 Yeshua the Messiah swears by his Father YEHOVAH God, and
        thereby assuring the apostle John and all fellow Christian down till our time today, that there will
        be no further delay on YEHOVAH's part.

               The original word here translated "delay" is the Greek word khronos, which simply means
        "time" in an indefinite sense, so that the Authorized or King James Version Bible of 1611 rendered
        the phrase: "There should be time no longer." This does not, of course, mean that time, which

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