Page 63 - BV13
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10/. The Prophet said: "O people, learn archery and horse riding Beware! archery means
                              power. He who learnt archery, and thereafter, gave it up, he disobeyed me." (Ibn-E-
                              Majah, Vol. 2, p. 178)

                              11/. The Prophet said: "Whatever one spends to facilitate Jehad, Allah shall give him a re-
                              ward which will exceed his contribution 700 times." (Tirmzi, Vol.1, p.697)

                              12/. "A man who was eating dates, said to the prophet 'Where shall I be if I am killed in
                              Jehad?' He replied: 'In paradise.' The man threw away the dates and fought until he was
                              killed." (Sahih Muslim: 4678)

                              13/. The Prophet said: "He who murders another, property of the murdered becomes prop-
                              erty of the murderer." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 183)

                              14/. The Prophet said: "fighting is (art of deceit)." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 182)

                              The above is a small selection of  hadiths, which clearly display the purpose of the
                       Prophet; he wanted to raise a nation of Arab warriors, who must seek international distinction by
                       building an Arab Empire and humble every one in his name as the prophet of Allah. This Allah, in
                       fact, is just a euphemism for Muhammad because He does what He is told by Muhammad, who
                       uses Allah's name simply to give his own commands a godly status, which infused his message
                       with a supernatural appeal, persuading people to believe paradise full of houries and boys. The
                       sex-starved Arabs, who also suffered pangs of hunger, eagerly seized this Divine opportunity,
                       which promised, not only gratification of lust, and release from starvation, but also guaranteed
                       secular suzerainty and splendor. This approach in the name of God is a gross insult to the Al-
                       mighty, who stoops to the lowest level to gain worshippers by offering them sex, and treating mur-
                       der, rape and pillage as the highest morality!

                              The Prophet's message was basically packed with the spirit of Arab nationalism, though
                       having the beguiling veneer of internationalism. As Arab dominance gripped foreign nations, they
                       embraced Islam to avoid payment of Poll Tax (Jaziya) and escape the humiliation reserved for the
                       Zimmies  i.e. the non-Muslims living under their Arab rulers. As non-Arab Muslims, such as the
                       Turks, who became powerful, realized that Jehad was the best way of achieving national unity and
                       dominance by inciting their people to murder and plunder foreigners as the highest morality, sanc-
                       tioned by Allah, they adopted Jehad  as their way of life, though originally, the Prophet had de-
                       vised it for his own people. Here is the evidence to this effect:

                              (a) "Seeing a Persian bow in the hand of a person, the Prophet commanded him to throw
                              that away, and use the other (Arab) bow and spear because Allah shall help you to conquer
                              other countries with the Arab bows and spears." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 177)

                              (b) The Prophet said: "O, Children of Ishmael, learn archery because Ishmael was an
                              archer." (Ibn-E-Majah, Vol. 2, p. 178)

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