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The House of Israel

          How Long Have We Been Aware of                the country and its people, defined his prayer with the
                       Our Identity?                    words: "that we might have continual peace in Israel."

                                                        The medals struck to commemorate the defeat of the
         One reaction to the discovery that the Celto-Saxon  Spanish Armada also revealed that the people were
         peoples of the world are the modern continuation of  aware of their Israelitish identity. The legend around
         ancient Israel, YEHOVAH's servant nation, is curios-  one reads: "He blew and they were scattered" -- a ref-
         ity. The question is often asked: How long has the truth  erence to the gales of unprecedented violence which
         been known?                                    scattered and destroyed the Spanish fleet. On the re-
                                                        verse of another Armada medal the name God appears
         YEHOVAH has revealed through His prophets that Is-  in Hebrew characters.
         rael,  as a nation, or people, would be blind to their
         true identity until the final conflict in the latter days of  The most striking evidence that the Elizabethans were
         the Christian Dispensation (see Isaiah 42 and 43 and  aware of their identity is, however, The Book of Com-
         Ezekiel 39). But there is some evidence to suggest that  mon Prayer, the work of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
         YEHOVAH may have permitted this great truth to be  who was martyred in 1556. The order of Matins and
         revealed to chosen individuals in each generation. The  Evensong, and especially the versicles and responses,
         ancient Irish chronicles, for example, bear testimony  make it clear that the Elizabethans were undoubtedly
         to the fact that many of the early nobility of that coun-  aware that they were YEHOVAH's chosen or servant
         try were aware of their Israelitish origin. And this ap-  people and under His protection.
         pears to have been known and accepted by scholars
         throughout Europe up to at least the 17th century. In
         1581 we find Vincenzio Galilei -- father of the famous  This knowledge was apparently so widespread through-
         astronomer -- writing about the origin of the harp in  out Southern England as to become known in some
         Ireland and referring to the Irish tradition that their  professional circles in France. The Petite Parisien has
         kings had come into contact with the royal house of  revealed that in 1590 Lelayer, a French magistrate,
         David.                                         published a large volume entitled The Lost Ten Tribes
                                                        Found in which he proved that "lost" Israel was to be

         The chieftains of many of the ancient Scottish clans --  found in the peoples of Britain.
         whose successors were to append their signatures to
         the Scottish Declaration of Independence of 1320 --
         were obviously aware of their Israelitish origin. But  In 1603 the childless Elizabeth was succeeded by
         the first unmistakable written evidence that the ancient  James VI of Scotland who became James I of England.
         English were also aware of their origin is not found  He was in no doubt as to the identity of the peoples he
         until the reign of Alfred the Great in the ninth century.  had been called to rule. Indeed, he claimed that the
         The 33rd Law enacted by that wise monarch laid it  Lord had made him king over Israel, and upon the Ja-
         upon his subjects: "Vex thou not comers from afar and  cobus, the gold coin of his day, he had inscribed in
         strangers, for remember,  ye were once strangers in  Latin, the prophecy recorded in Ezekiel 37:22: "I will
         Egypt."                                        make of thee one nation." However, James's awareness
                                                        of Britain's identity was to lead him into paths of con-
         It would seem that in England an awareness of Britain's  tention. He misinterpreted YEHOVAH's blessing upon
         identification with ancient Israel has come in phases or  the royal house of David (2 Samuel 7:16) as confer-
         eras, the first of which reached its peak during the  ring a divine right upon all kings, a philosophy which
         Elizabethan period. The Queen herself became known  brought him into serious conflict with Parliament and
         as "The Light of Israel." There can be no doubt that by  which sowed the seeds for the English Civil War which
         "Israel" the land of England was meant for we find that  was to divide the kingdom and lead to the execution in
         Sir Francis Drake, when asking John Fox to pray for  1649 of his son and successor, Charles I.

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