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Another tablet was discovered in the same place with  The Mighty Shem -- Custodian of the
                       an Iberian Punic script revealing that the chamber was       Oracles of God
                       dedicated to the Phoenician god "Baal." Fell concludes
                       that the Celtic sun god "Bel" is the same as the Phoeni-
                       cian god "Baal" and dozens of other inscriptions dis-  Most Christians have not the remotest idea of the tre-
                       covered made it clear that these Celts had built the  mendous importance in God's scheme of things, of the
                       New England megalithic chambers and that Phoenician  majestic, shadowy figure from the far-distant past of
                       mariners were welcome visitors, permitted to worship  our Celto-Saxon race. In brief, it was with Shem that
                       at the Celtic sanctuaries and allowed to make dedica-  the Almighty Father recommenced His declared pur-
                       tions in their own language. Again, we see evidence of  pose of bringing His children, ultimately, to the per-
                       a close association between Celts and Phoenicians in  fection of His Kingdom on earth.
                       North America.
                                                                       To Shem and his line God entrusted the responsibility
                       In his book, Barry Fell refers to the Ogam alphabet in  for preserving the original revelation of Himself and
                       the Book of Leinster, compiled by a Bishop who died  of His purposes which He had first conferred on the
                       in 1160 A.D. which is housed in the library of the Uni-  erring Adam. The other sons of Noah -- Ham and
                       versity of Dublin. He points out that the vowels were  Japheth -- were not chosen for this tremendous serv-
                       written as mere dots in the "Semitic manner." He also  ice. From Shem were to proceed God's friend, Abra-
                       refers to the  Book of Lecan which dates from 1416.  ham, the Hebrew peoples, the nation Israel and, above
                       This includes a grammatical treatise attributed to  all, Jesus Christ, king of Israel under his Father in the
                       Cennfaclad the Learned who died in 677 A.D., who ob-  new age to come.
                       tained his material from the writings of Druids who
                       lived before the Christian era. The variety of Ogam is  Until the time of Israel's emergence as a nation, it fell
                       the same as found in the Book of Leinster. Then there  to the line of Shem to propagate and preserve the reve-
                       is the Book of Ballymote  which dates from 1370,  lation and the primeval worship first revealed to Adam
                       which contains an ancient Egyptian alphabet unknown  and kept alive by the Godly Noah. The Shemites exer-
                       until modern students rediscovered it in their excava-  cised great control and influence in the lands allotted
                       tions in the Egyptian desert.                   to them -- Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia -- call
                                                                       them what we will. Even in Egypt, control  of which
                       Another North American lapidary inscription, lacking  was assigned to Ham, Shemite power and influence be-
                       vowels and coeval with Phoenician inscriptions, is the  came apparent at certain periods. This pioneering race
                       same as an unknown Ogam alphabet in the Book of  spread to the ends of the earth.
                       Ballymote and shows it to be a bronze age predecessor
                       of the Irish Ogam. The inscription which reads from  God did not leave Himself "without wit-
                       right to left states: "Ships from Phoenicia, Cargo plat-  ness" in the world
                       form." The word used for ships is the Norse word
                       "longbata." With many other Norse words and personal  Thus, it must not for a moment be supposed that God
                       names found on Celtiberian steles it shows that Norse-  had left Himself without witness in the world. He had
                       men were associating with Celts long before the Vi-  created, during the period between the Flood and the
                       king Age.                                       call of Abraham. Proof of this is seen in the facets of
                                                                       the original Revealed Faith that seeped down and sur-
                       Barry Fell has also studied the languages of North  vived throughout the centuries which elapsed. In the
                       American Indians and gives many examples of Celtic,  garbled versions which showed themselves in the an-
                       Egyptian, Libyan and Phoenician words which they  cient religions of Babylonia and Egypt there remained
                       contain.                                        a strong residue of the original revelation. Though the
                                                                       lines of Japheth and Ham -- particularly the strain of
                       These are only a few interesting items from a book  the accursed Canaan -- had corrupted and contaminated
                       which deserves intense and prolonged study. It cannot  the Faith revealed, the line of Shem continued to hold
                       fail to interest students of the multiplying evidence of  a strong remnant which remained steadfast to the Truth
                       the origin of the English-speaking and kindred peoples.  and kept open the line of communication between man
                                                                       and his Maker. The leaders of this Godly line are
                                                                   -- W. F. Finlayson.  named in the genealogies in the first chapter of the
                                                                       first  Book of Chronicles: Shem, Arphaxad, Shelah,
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