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This authoritative arrangement of the Old Testament books is the one which the official
        Jewish community has always recognized as authoritative.

                                          Other Books Rejected

               Let us clearly understand that the books of the Apocrypha and all other spurious books
        NEVER found a place in the official Triparte Divisions of the Jewish Old Testament. All these
        "outside" books were totally rejected by the Jews. You will recall that Josephus, the Jewish priest
        and historian, who represented the beliefs of official Judaism in the days of the Apostle Paul, said
        that the Jews NEVER accepted any other books as inspired other than those compiled in the days
        of Ezra and Nehemiah.

               "It is true," says Josephus, "our history has been written since the time of Artaxerxes [the
        time of Ezra and Nehemiah] very particularly, BUT HAS NOT BEEN ESTEEMED OF THE LIKE
        AUTHORITY WITH THE FORMER [writings] OF OUR FOREFATHERS, since that time"
        (Against Apion, I, 8).

               Yes, the last prophet to write an inspired book was Malachi -- a contemporary of Ezra and

                             Christ Used Only the Inspired Old Testament

               Another proof that Christ used only the Scriptures recognized by official Judaism is the fact
        that He never once quoted from or alluded to any of the Apocrypha or other spurious books. Had
        He made even the slightest indication that the sources of His doctrines were from these unrecog-
        nized books, the Jews would have vehemently countered Him with all their intellectual might.
        They would have loudly and persistently pointed out to the people that Jesus could not possibly be
        the Messiah, for He was making use of uninspired books. But the Jews NEVER had an opportunity
        of accusing Christ of such things. They railed Him for going contrary to the doctrines of the Jewish
        denominations of His day, but they never criticized Him for using uncanonical books. The silence
        of any Jewish censure on this point IS DEFINITE PROOF that Christ utilized only the inspired
        books in the official Jewish Old Testament as the Scriptures.

                               Further Witness From the New Testament

               We have further evidence throughout the New Testament that Christ and the Apostles rec-
        ognized only the books of the Jewish Version as the complete Old Testament. Notice how it is
        taken for granted, in so many parts of the New Testament, that the Jews had the "Scripture" (John
        10:35; 19:36; II Pet. 1:20), "the Scriptures" (Matt. 22:29; Acts 18:24), "Holy Scriptures" (Rom.
        1:2, II Tim. 3:15), "the Law" (John 10:34), "the Law and Prophets" (Matt. 5:17; 22:40), and the
        Law, Prophets and Psalms (Luke 24:44). All the New Testament writers recognized the Jews to
        have had the complete Old Testament.

               Paul was also careful to let the Romans know that unto the Jews, "WERE COMMITTED
        THE ORACLES OF GOD" -- the Old Testament (Rom. 3:3; 9:4).  Paul was fully aware that the

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