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oracles of the Jews were the inspired books of the Jewish canon -- the same books that are in our
                       King James Version today.

                              It is very clear, from secular history, and especially from the Word of God, that we have
                       the complete Old Testament.  ALL OTHER BOOKS NOT FOUND WITHIN THE BIBLE as we
                       have it are entirely worthless for teaching true doctrines, and are to be completely rejected in this
                       respect.  The Apocrypha, and all other books, are the writings of men, not of God.

                              With the canonization of the Old Testament Scriptures, the Jews of this time entered into a
                       period of prosperity and happiness.  They were keeping the Law and being taught by the Great As-
                       sembly.  This period from about 430 B.C. to 331 B.C., until the overthrow of the Persian Empire
                       by the Greeks, can be called a time when the Law of Moses was adhered to by the people.

                              We are now compelled to look to a period later than the time of Persian control for the ori-
                       gin of the confused and mixed-up condition of Judaism.  The next installment will plainly reveal
                       the source from whence Jewish denominationalism arose.

                                                          To Be Continued...

                                                                       The hour has come to expose the growing world-
                                                                       wide religion of Islam. Our Muslim friends must be
                                                                       delivered from it's deception and be brought into a
                                                                       saving knowledge of the truth about YEHOVAH
                                                                       God and Yeshua the Messiah!

                                                                       Many are unaware of what Islam really stands for.
                                                                       Certain well known Muslim leaders are labeled as
                                                                       "extremist" because they want to export Islam by
                                                                       force, and order the execution of those who disa-
                                                                       gree with them. In fact, these leaders are just con-
                                                                       servative Muslims who want nothing more than to
                                                                       follow the teachings of their prophet Mohammed.

                                                                       This simple, easy to understand book reveals Is-
                                                                       lamic teachings using intensified, scientific research.
                                                                       It is filled with quotes from authoritative ancient
                                                                       and contemporary Muslim scholars, accompanied
                                                                       with documented, detailed references from their
                                                                       own Arab textbooks. It also contains shocking in-
                                                                       formation revealing that Mohammed   not only
                                                                       owned slaves but worked as a merchant in this ugly
                         Behind the Veil: Unmasking Islam              business.

                         $12.00 postage paid from:                     Many Muslim converts to Christianity have shared
                         Hope of Israel Ministries                     in the research contained in this book. Many Mus-
                         P.O. Box 6772                                 lims have found the truth and we believe that Islam
                         Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.          will be exposed and eventually defeated.

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