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that river were the  Dahae,  Massagetae and  Sacarau-  Whither Israel?
                       cae, '...a huge confederacy of tribes, lords of the Cas-
                       pian steppes, northward from the great Balkan   The Israelites were, in the main, deported to north-west
                       mountains, to the lower Oxus and the Aral'. This author  Persia. It is certain, however, that they did not remain in
                       says that the Saca language has now been discovered  the region of their first exile for any prolonged period.
                       and identified as belonging to the north Iranian group,  Whilst it is true to say that there are isolated pockets of
                       which included the Sogdian and Parthian.
                                                                       people claiming to be descended from the Ten Tribes
                                                                       still living in the remote parts of that region, it is an ines-
                       The origin of the name Scythia is obscure. It seems  capable fact that the bulk of the Israelites moved on
                       quite definite that the 'fossil' root was something like s-  somewhere within a comparatively short period of their
                       k- and that this was sometimes hardened into s-g-.  expulsion from Palestine. The times were turbulent.
                                                                       Powers and nations rose and fell rapidly; grouped and
                       A Hebrew Equation                               regrouped. In all directions the peoples of these regions
                                                                       were on the move.  Somewhere  in the tossing sea of
                                                                       peoples called Scythian, God's people were in existence.
                       The Scythians, or Skuths, were nomadic tent-dwellers.
                       The ancient Hebrew-Aramaic word for tent or booth
                       was Succoth (S-c-th) -- phonetic Sukkah. The Israelites                                                                  -- L. Buxton Gresty
                       also had been nomadic tent-dwellers: '...I made the chil-
                       dren of Israel to dwell in booths....' Quite apart from the  God's Obvious Design
                       projection of the Israel people into Medo-Persia, it has
                       been established that there had been considerable He-  In 1493, the infamous Pope Alexander VI drew the line
                       brew migration in a northerly and north-westerly direc-  of demarcation a hundred leagues west of the Azores
                       tion from the Tigris-Euphrates area, about the time of  between Spanish and Portuguese zones of exploration
                       Abraham. It may well be that this old Hebrew word sup-  in the new world; as it favoured Spain, it was modified
                       plies the lost derivation.                      by the Treaty of Tordesillas of 7th June, 1494. The Pope
                                                                       sought to apportion the world between the Holy Catho-
                       This theory derives support from the Tel-el-Amarna tab-  lic nations of Spain and Portugal. Divine Providence,
                       lets, which refer to invaders of Palestine c. 1400 B.C. by  however, decreed otherwise in allowing the heretical
                       the name of Khabiru. Many scholars are convinced that  British to control one quarter of the world. Why? In
                       the terms  Khabiru and  Hebrews  are synonymous, al-  1988 Britain commemorated the 400th anniversary of a
                       though some of these incline to the view that the  great historic event which shattered completely the
                       Khabiru of the tablets were non-Israelite Hebrews who  Satan-inspired pretensions of the Papacy: the defeat of
                       probably invaded further north at or about the same  the Spanish Armada.
                       time as Joshua's conquest of Canaan. Professor T. Eric
                       Brunner, Professor of Egyptology in the University of  The English had always been noted for their "sluggish
                       Liverpool, mentions that the tablets also refer to a peo-  security," but in the Reformation period, a complete
                       ple called Sagaz. He says: 'It is hard to escape the con-  transformation took place in the national character. To
                       clusion that Khabiru and Sagaz are two names for one  find the reason for this we actually have to go back to
                       and the same people, and this is supported in remark-  975-922 B.C. In that period, as a direct consequence of
                       able fashion by an inscription found at Boghaz Keui,  King Solomon's idolatry, the people of Israel divided
                       the Hittite capital in Asia Minor, in which the phrase  into two nations. Ten tribes rebelled against the Davidic
                       "Khabiru-gods" is used as an equivalent for "Sagaz-  Throne and set up a rival kingdom of Israel in the north,
                       gods" ' (Egypt and the Old Testament, 1922). Thus we  called the House of Israel. The two tribes and their
                       have this fossil word S-k- or S-g- used to describe He-  Levites remaining at Jerusalem continued under the
                       brew peoples in the second millennium B.C. In the light  Throne of the Lord (I Chronicles 29:23) as the kingdom
                       of this it seems decidedly possible that at least some of  or House of Judah.
                       the Scythian peoples, called by the Persians Sacae,
                       were pre-Israelite Hebrews who had long preceded the  The northern ten tribes found a leader and a spokesman
                       Ten Tribes in their Iranian habitat.            in Jeroboam. But negotiations broke down in the face of
                                                                       King Rehoboam's strong-arm tactics and then, surpris-
                                                                       ingly, God forbade him from taking military action to
                                                                       force the return of the rebel tribes to his rule, informing
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