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2. A unique lunar based calendar I found your explanation for the identity of the true
3. 12 Proofs that Yashua did not pre-exist. Pharaoh of the Bible very interesting and convincing,
but there's just a few facts I can't see very clearly in the
A copy of the 'Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism" article study.....
will be appreciated as well. Would you know a transla-
tion in English of 'the Koran' or rather the best transla- "The inscription at el-Arish says the name of the Phar-
tion you know? Please mention author and Publisher as aoh who perished in the Whirlpool was Thom or Toum.
well as price. Pi-Thom means 'the abode of Thom.' Pithom was one of
the names of the two cities built by the Israelite slaves
Finally enclosed please find an article by my own hand for the Pharaoh of the Oppression."
which may prove that Jonathan David Brown may have
erred after all. You are free to print in your magazine un- If Pithom was built for the Pharoah of the Oppression
der my name and address. then how could he have been the one who drowned in
the whirlpool? Wasn't there 2 Pharoah's? One of the Op-
Thank you very much for being of service to me. pression and one of the Exodus? I doubt Thom could
have lived from the time of Moses' birth to the time of
the Exodus (some 80 or so years later). And if he had
Your sincerely, been that old don't you think there would have been
J.K.P. more written of him? That's a very long and significant
PS. My best regards to Ernest L. Martin who may re- So if Thom, Thoum, or Tutimaeus was the last king of
member me and should know by now that I was right the Middle Kingdom just before the fall to the Hyksos
about Jim Rector after all.
then how could he also be the Pharaoh of the Oppres-
sion? I don't know if this was a mistake in your explana-
COMMENT: Thank you for all of your letters. Please tion or a misinterpretation on my part, but could you
don't think I'm ignoring you because I haven't replied. please respond to my letter with all necessary informa-
What with publishing The Berean Voice and research- tion to clear up any doubt? I just fail to see the possibil-
ing and maintaining the website and, on top of all this, ity of one Pharaoh being the same Pharaoh of the
working a 50-60 hour a week regular job, I have little Oppression and also of the Exodus. Could the Israelites
time for the luxuries of personally answering letters or possibly have built Pithom for the Pharaoh of the Exo-
spending the time I should with my family. I hope you dus instead of the Pharaoh of the Oppression? I just
understand. Regarding the Koran, there are literally really want to get all these questions cleared up in my
dozens available from Amazon.Com -- ranging in price head.
from US$6.00 to 30.00. If you have access to the Internet
you might check them out ( I am not Thank you for your time, Lord of Zeus.
familiar enough with all the translations to be able to
recommend any particular one.
COMMENT: There were, in fact, several dynasties of
pharaohs ruling at the same time during the Middle
*** Kingdom. While Manetho placed the 13th Dynasty as
following the 12th. it, in fact, was contemporary with the
Gentlemen/Ladies: 12th and the 14th. The Biblical Pharaoh of the Oppres-
sion died while Moses was in Midian, but there were
Shalom! May Almighty Yehovah bless and prosper and other Pharaohs ruling different parts of Egypt at the
multiply your efforts. Enclosed please find an institu- same time. Unfortunately the Bible doesn't differentiate
tional check in the amount of...Thank you for all of your between them. Thoum was of the 13th Dynasty. It
literature and help. would take a whole article to explain the parallel
dynasties and how they interfaced. A future article,
Sincerely, maybe?