Page 46 - BV14
P. 46
M Dear John D. Keyser, Hello from an appreciative Berean Voice reader
(and Ambassador College graduate) in England.
I offer my grateful thanks to God and you for ena- Forgive me for pointing out a typo in your maga-
bling me to apply the anointed cloth. God is inter- zine. I'm not trying to be picky, or critical. I was
vening in my life dramatically. Out of the "blue"
trained as a journalist and I automatically proof-
A Mrs. T.O. called me to see if I would come to read when I read any article/book etc. I can't help
Livermore CA to see if I could be of service as a
it, it's become a habit.
home care giver for J. who has Lou Garrets Dis-
ease. Things were not compatible at this time but On page 2, your East Coast Website URL appears
God through her gave me a lead to a Doctor in
I Long Beach who is the most powerful doctor I as ISREAL instead of israel. Keep up the good
work of producing a quality magazine.
have ever met. Dr. R.S. is a CRA (Contact Reflex
Analysis) Chiropractor. He was able to bio- A.C.
electrically get my energy and heart up from near England
L zero to life balance. The insulin for my diabetes p.s. are you aware of the articles by Myron Mar-
was shutting down my adrenal glands. He had a
nutritional antidote until I can get off insulin. My
organs were not working together, but now they tin on the lunar calendar?
are. I am changed from a "wet noodle" for the last p.p.s. my favourite Berean Voice articles are
six months to near normal able to go for a walk those on Pre-existence, as I share your Unitarian
and do normal things above just being in bed. Christology. (I am still in close contact with An-
Medical science said I would be diabetic for the
thony Buzzard who was my Hebrew teacher in
B rest of my life. I prayed God would get me out and College in 1969.) I used to be in close communica-
He is. When I saw you years ago I was in a health
tion with Ernest Martin, but his new emphasis on
mess and crisis and did not know I was in trouble mankind being en-masse first-born children of
with diabetes. Now, I praise God and your God is nothing but occult, universalist mysticism
A Please help me to meet with a representative to (almost new-age gnosticism) and this has severed
our previously close relationship. I tried to con-
discuss baptism and spiritual matters. I hope to vince Ernest, a few years ago now, when he vis-
ited my wife and I at our home, of biblical
keep the New Moon Sabbath with other believers monotheism, but he quoted Heb. 1:2 and inter-
G in the area. May I drive out to help and see you? I preted it to support his Arian Christology.
am very excited about the Hope of Israel Minis-
Maybe, if he reads The Berean Voice, your arti-
tries and keeping the Holy Days of Yehovah's
true calendar for 2002 and beyond. I will be send- cles might convince him??!! I hope so.
ing more tithe and offering money. I am getting As you probably know, Ernest was greatly influ-
strong enough to study again. enced in his youth by two theologians from the
past:- E.W. Bullinger and A.E. Knoch. From both
I am just getting started in enjoying your web men, he learned the JW-type teaching of the "two
site. Do you have sermon or Bible study tapes? rewards" for believers, a heavenly reward and an
How would I meet with the contributing writers in earthly reward. Ernest holds to this teaching to
the area? I hope to keep Passover with the Hope this day. From the latter, he also learned univer-
of Israel Ministries this Spring. Please advise me salism, and many years ago now Ernest told me
about getting ready to keep it right. (in private conversation) that he had actually met
with A.E. Knoch on several occasions and at one
With Grateful Thanks, God Bless You, of these meetings Knoch told Ernest that, in con-
A.F. versation with E.W. Bullinger shortly before he
California died, EWB had told Knoch that he (EWB) NOW