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(in his old age) privately believed in universalism too.  Thank you very much for sending the articles on Islam.
                                                                       Much appreciated. Made copies of these and sent them
                       COMMENT: Since receiving this message, Ernest Mar-  on to other interested readers. They are very good.
                       tin died on January 16 at his home in Portland, Oregon.  Never did I have a connection about the trumpets of
                                                                       Revelation with Islam. I thought these things were still
                                            ***                        to come on the world. Well, they are here!

                       Dear Mr. Keyser,                                Enclosed is a little offering to continue to help in your
                                                                       research. Also would like to have another article on the
                       I appreciate receiving your publication and find the pot-  calendar, as I sent that one to my sister in Ohio. Would
                       pourri of writers and diversity of Theological positions  this have the calendar for 2002? This would be good, as
                       most interesting to be combined into one publication.  I'm completely convinced of keeping the sabbath on the
                       This is most unusual.                           moon phases. Have a Jewish calendar put out by the
                                                                       Jewish Jewels, which at least shows the new moon. It
                                                                       helps! Thanks again, and keep up the work of keeping
                       I would like to comment on the loss I feel with the death  us informed.
                       of Dr. Martin. He was a personal friend and a man for
                       whom I had the greatest respect. He was one of the first  Sincerely,
                       of the "church leaders" to stand against HWA on the  R.C.
                       Pentecost issue and it cost him dearly. I admired him
                       greatly for his courage and research!
                                                                       COMMENT: Dear R.C., Thanks for the kind words. The
                                                                       calendar for 2002 has been sent to you.
                       May I also comment that I am most incredulous that you
                       published the strange and insipid article on "Conspiracy            ***
                       Nuts". It appeared the writer had just read a book and
                       thus became expert on the subject. Was the conclusion  Greetings John,
                       that all who believe in any conspiracy be a "nut"? Was
                       not September 11 the result of a Conspiracy? Aren't  Thank you for adding us to your subscription list to re-
                       there many more? Not so implies the writer.
                                                                       ceive The Berean Voice. Your article entitled "Yeshua
                                                                       Did Not Pre-Exist" is very good and a subject we stud-
                       I will continue to study your information with the skepti-  ied into with the enclosed information that a brother in
                       cism  of one who has emerged from HWA's "Christian  Messiah shared with us a few F.O.T.s ago. I am sending
                       legalism". Thanks again.                        you a copy. Some info in the enclosed articles was
                                                                       quoted from the book  The Doctrine of the Trinity
                       K.M.H.                                          Christianity's Self-Inflicted Wound  by Anthony F.
                                                                       Buzzard and Charles F. Hunting.
                       COMMENT: The article was trying to point out the fact
                       that many of YEHOVAH's people go way overboard --  There are many misinterpreted words and phrases in the
                       almost to the point of a fetish -- in their pursuit of all  scriptures, most in the New Testament. Such as, in the
                       kinds of weird  and outlandish conspiracy theories. I  verse Ephesians 3:9.....who created all things by
                       think we all realize there are conspiracies out there -- Sa-  Yahshua, the word "by" is the Greek word dia (Strong's
                       tan's being the most predominant and the one we  no. 1223) which can mean "by, for, in, of, through." We
                       should all focus on. During the McCarthy era in the  could read the scripture as "Yahweh created all things
                       1950s, it turned out that there was not a Communist un-  FOR Yahshua."
                       der every bush -- so it is with conspiracies! Let's be
                       MODERATE in the things we spend our time on.
                                                                       Hope you enjoy the articles as they are eye-opening
                                                                       and helped us greatly in our "prayerful" study. The first
                                            ***                        commandment states "You shall have no other mighty
                                                                       ones before ME." Yahweh is our mighty one, our crea-
                       Hope of Israel Ministries:                      tor, our father.

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