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the Hebrews to express all the excellencies and attributes of the one true God. -- Page

               The so-called Church Fathers pounced on these plural forms in their attempt to justify the pagan
        Greek doctrine of the Trinity and/or the doctrine of the duality of the Godhead. The doctrine of two or
        three gods has been perpetrated on Christianity because of a FALSE reading of this scripture in

               The fact that the word "Elohim"  replaced  the Name of YEHOVAH in the Old Testament, in-
        corporating the pagan tendency to employ  plural forms, which the Hebrews then adopted into their
        language, proves THREE things in the Bible:

        1)  This FACT disqualifies the use of Genesis 1:26-27 as a proof that Christ (Yeshua) pre-existed; be-
        cause --

        2)  YEHOVAH is ALONE in creating mankind; and --

        3)  It clearly proves that the copyists and/or translators tampered with the Scriptures, replacing YEHO-
        VAH's Name with titles, which do NOT fit grammatically or Scripturally into the Hebrew or English

               The point is (which is readily admitted) the CONFUSION arises because the Hebrews used
        the titles of Canaanite gods to replace the Name of YEHOVAH in the Scriptures. And then, to com-
        pound the confusion, most translators have followed the same path by reproducing the error -- even
        though they know -- and admit -- that it is grammatically wrong to do so! The amount of spiritual harm
        this has done to all that have read this deception down through the centuries is immeasurable.

               Of course, those who want to promote the FALSE teaching of a pre-existent savior will pounce
        on these same verses saying, "It was Jesus that God was talking to"! Being both unlearned and ignorant
        of the Plan of YEHOVAH -- much less the fundamentals of the Hebrew language -- they DECEIVE
        YEHOVAH's people into believing in a FALSE savior.

               Genesis 1:26-27 in the Preliminary Draft of the translation of the Book of Genesis (1994) in
        The Original Bible Project shows the pagan title "Elohim" in these verses --

               And ELOHIM said, "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let
               them rule over the fish of the sea, and over the flying things of the heavens, and over the
               animals, and over all the earth, and over every moving thing that moves upon the earth."
               And ELOHIM created the man in his image: in the image of ELOHIM  he created him,
               male and female he created them.

               The same verses in The Revised Standard Version show the word "God" being employed in-
        stead of "Elohim" --
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