Page 67 - BV14
P. 67
Islam is one faith, which has divided humanity into two permanently
warring factions: those who believe in Allah and Muhammad, are
the God's Party, and those who do not, are the Devil's Party. The
former have the most sacred duty to eliminate and subdue the latter.
So urgent is this purpose that Islam not only encourages its follow-
ers to murder, plunder and seduce the women of the "infidels" but
also projects such murder, plunder and seduction as the greatest
virtues. Islam calls it "Jehad," which guarantees the Mujahid (holy
warrior) salvation i.e. a seat in Paradise.
by Anwar Shaikh
Part Two
The Battle of Badr
The Battle of Badr is a tiny event by any stretch of the imagination, yet it has significantly influ-
enced the course of human history. A deeper study of the episode reveals that this molehill assumed
mountainous proportions because it served as the first practical exposition of the Islamic doctrine known
'Jehad' is an Arabic word, which literally means 'endeavor', but as an Islamic doctrine, it implies
fighting in the way of Allah (the Arabic God) to establish his supremacy over unbelievers until they relin-
quish their faith to become Muslims or acknowledge their subordination by paying a humiliation-tax
called JAZIYA.
Jehad is a perpetual war against infidels which include Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Deists,
Skeptics as well as Jews and Christians. According to this doctrine, a person's biggest crime is to deny
Allah and Muhammad's exclusive right to be believed in and adored. Therefore, this is a sufficient cause
for a Muslim state to raid and subjugate non-Muslim territories. What is amazing is the fact that Allah
bribes the Muslims to wage Jehad by declaring murder, arson, rape and enslavement of non-Muslims
as the greatest piety whereas even an ordinary human thinks of them as the most heinous atrocities and
acts of utter moral degradation.
Can Allah be really a righteous God or is it just a manipulation of the concept of Allah to estab-
lish Arab Cultural Imperialism? To answer these questions we want to look into the geographical back-
ground of Arabia because physical conditions of a land play a major role in determining its habits and