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Keys Which Unlock the Bible

         A fundamental, systemic error pervades most of It is a considerable irony that leading proponents
         the standard literature available to Bible students.  of "orthodoxy" today betray the very same ten-
         This has to do with the crucial question of the  dency which Paul strove to correct when they in-
         identity of God and the Messiah Jesus. Just what  form the Bible-searching public that "God is one
         is the relationship of the Son of God to God?  What  in two or three Who's." Such a definition
                                                        of God is not from Scripture at all, but from the
         We make no apology for our continued attention  world of Middle Platonism. It is Greek philoso-
         to this point of doctrine. This is a major, major phy which promotes God as a "What," and it is
         issue which currently helps to keep the entire contemporary   fundamentalism  which   (often
         Muslim and Jewish world away from the Jesus of heavy-handedly) requires church members to ac-
         the Bible. Those of us who claim to follow Jesus  knowledge the "one What" presented as what
         and love him and his teachings cannot remain   they call the "Biune or Triune God." That God
         unequipped to deal with this cardinal question of was not known to Jesus or Paul.
         the identity of the God of the Bible and the Mes-
         siah Jesus. Jesus himself was doggedly insistent  Doctrine in some quarters is held to be a bad
         that worship be conducted within the biblically thing! It is supposed to divide believers and dis-
         prescribed framework, and not according to tra-  tract from what is held to be vastly more impor-
         dition, however widespread, respectable or     tant: the cultivation of Christian character.
         hallowed.                                      Carried to its logical conclusion, this (very false)
                                                        argument leads to the notion that all that matters
         The book of Hebrews chides those who under-    in the Christian faith is the exercise of "love." Is-
         stand Truth for not being well enough instructed  sues of "theology" would then fall into the cate-
         to become teachers of others. A Christian has a gory of "intellectual" non-essentials. They should
         duty to others in excess of, or at least equal to,  be relegated (so goes this misleading line of
         his duty to feed himself. Hebrews 5:12: "By this  thinking) to the province of academic discussion
         time you ought to be teachers." Truth is meant to  only.
         be shared -- everywhere (Luke 9:60).
                                                        In no other field of human endeavor would any-
         Paul labored in Athens to move his Greek audi-  one argue that theory is unimportant -- that prac-
         ence away from belief in God as a "What" to be-  tice is all that counts! Jesus was a rabbi and
         lief in the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob  teacher and insisted at all times on right under-
         who is a "Who" -- a Person! Note the subtle ap-  standing. He also pointed to the fatal dangers of
         proach of Paul: "What  you worship but do not "tradition" mounted against the truth of Scripture
         know, I am now proclaiming to you: The God     (see Mark 7:6-13). Jesus was the ultimate
         who  made the world and everything in it" (Acts  system-bucker and whistle-blower. He suffered
         17:23, 24).                                    the fate of all those who expose the errors of
                                                        large monopolies, which regard themselves as
                                                        custodians  of  unimpeachable   truth.  Jesus'

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