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opposition came mainly from the established re-  teachings, teachings offered as Christian, which
                        ligious authorities of his day.                are not Christian at all.

                        Would he be any less at loggerheads with unbib-  Our only recourse is a passionate examination of
                        lical "tradition" today? We suggest that the Bible  the teachings of Jesus and the development of
                        elevates "theory" to the highest possible position.  skills of discernment which will equip us to tell
                        The Bible never says that we should just "love" the difference between what is true and what is
                        and not worry about "doctrine." Paul constantly false (II John 4:1-6). If we do not follow this ad-
                        urged that "coming to the knowledge of truth" is  vice, we may repeat the very mistake made by
                        the way to salvation. In fact "coming to the   Adam and Eve. As we remember, they were
                        knowledge of truth" is an alternate way of de-  more attracted to the persuasive, twisted argu-
                        scribing what is necessary to be saved. "God ments of the Devil than they were to the Crea-
                        wants all men to be saved   and come to the tor's Truth.
                        knowledge of the Truth, namely that there is One
                        God and one Mediator between God and man,      Such an exercise in discernment requires dedica-
                        the  man Messiah Jesus" (I Tim. 2:5). Peter    tion and persistence. It would be folly to begin
                        made "obedience to the truth" a necessary foun-  by assuming that majorities are bound to be right.
                        dation for "fervent love" (I Pet. 1:22). Jesus  For well over 1000 years the Roman Catholic
                        came indeed "to give us an understanding so    system of belief was held as the only "gospel
                        that we could come to know God" (I John 5:20).  truth" over wide areas of the earth. But Protes-
                        Paul warned that those who do not "love truth" tants are committed to the belief that such teach-
                        will not be saved (II Thess. 2:10ff. etc.). Jesus, in ing was and is not biblical. The question is, did
                        the most alarming of all his teachings, predicted mainstream Protestantism really recover the faith
                        that the majority believe themselves to be follow-  once and for all delivered to the saints? (Jude 3).
                        ing him when in fact he does not recognize them Should one have such unquestioning confidence
                        at all: "Many will declare to me in that future day:  in a Luther or Calvin? Many do.
                        'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name,
                        did we not exorcise demons in your name, did   In Muslim countries there is only one main option
                        we not perform many wonderful works in your    in terms of a belief system: Anyone who ques-
                        name?' And I will respond to them: 'Depart from  tions the all-pervasive teachings of Mohammed
                        my presence, you evildoers: I never recognized  runs the risk of rejection. But does that majority
                        you'" (Matt. 7:21ff.). The only way Jesus offered  really possess truth?
                        for avoiding such a catastrophic outcome was
                        that we pay attention to "these words of mine"  We suggest that a reasonable investigation of the
                        (Matt. 7:24), "me and my words" (Mark 8:38),   biblical faith will begin with the fundamental
                        "me and the Gospel" (Mark 8:35).               question about who God is. Jesus after all agreed
                                                                       with his Jewish compatriots that defining God
                        These words, surely, invite us to profound self-  properly was the object of the first and most im-
                        examination. It is entirely possible, Jesus said, to portant commandment of all. "Hear, O Israel: the
                        imagine that one has the faith of Jesus  when  Lord our God is one Lord." Jesus presented a
                        one does not possess it at all. How could this  supreme proposition and urged us to grasp its
                        be? Jesus went on immediately to warn of false  meaning (Mark 12:28ff.).

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