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               The Name “Jew” — How and

                         When did it Originate?

              C   alling a person living in the United States an “American” certainly has nothing to do with race.
                  The same logical reasoning applies to people living in the province of Judea, Palestine. How-
                  ever, the people of the “Christian” Caucasian English-speaking Western nations invariably re-
              fer to all the races living in Judea — both ancient and modern — as “Jews,” and that Yeshua the
              Messiah was a Jew! For proof they cite the word “Jew” found in the King James translation of the

                     According to Benjamin H. Freedman, who researched the origin of the word “Jew,” and
              published his findings in Facts Are Facts, pages 12-20, in 1954, the word “Jew” did not exist in any
              language until 1775. The King James Authorized translation of the New Testament into English
              was begun in 1604 and first published in 1611. The word “Jew” did NOT appear in it!

                     The revised 18th century edition of the King James Bible, for the first time, coined the word
              “Jew” in reference to all the inhabitants living in the province of Judea, Palestine — making NO
              DISTINCTION as to the various races residing in the land! Therefore, these all-encompassing
              “Jew” references in the Revised King James Bible, deceive and lead readers to believe that very few
              races, other than Jews, ever resided there — thus a good deceptive “proof” that the descendants of
              the patriarch Abraham, and the children of Jacob-Israel, and Yeshua the Messiah, were all “Jews,” a
              lie that today is deceiving many of the very elect!

                     The King James Bible revisers, according to Freedman, used the same line of deceptive rea-
              soning which would call an Oriental or a Negro living in the United States, an “American” to leave
              the false impression that they were referring to white Caucasian Israelite Americans.

                     These all-encompassing “Jew” references in the Revised King James Bible, first published
              in 1775, make no distinction regarding the three branches of the Tribe of Judah — the family of
              Shelah by a Canaanite mother (called Shelanites or Canaanite Jews); and the families of Pharez and
              Zarah, Judah’s pure bred twin sons out of Tamar the daughter of Aram the youngest son of Shem,
              who were NEVER referred to as “Jews” (Genesis 10:22; 38:1-30; and “The Testament of Judah,”
              chapter 2:10, in the Forgotten Books of Eden, page 236).

                     Alexander Schiffner (1944) described the family squabble over the heirship to the Scepter,
              the rulership over the Messiah’s vineyard during his absence, as follows: “Shelah calling the twins
              bastards because they were born out of wedlock, and the twins claiming to be the heirs because of
              their pure Israelitish descent. Zarah claimed the right of the elder on the strength of the scarlet
              thread; whereas Pharez disputed that claim on the strength of being born first” (Genesis 38:27-30).

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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