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              26                                                  The Name “Jew” -- How Did It Originate?

                     Yeshua the Messiah descended in the flesh from Judah’s pure bred Israelite son Pharez by
              way of the House of David — not by way of Judah’s three-quarter bred Canaanite son Shelah.
              Shelah’s descendants, the Canaanite Jews, crucified Yeshua, the landlord and Messiah, and today
              falsely claim to be YEHOVAH’s chosen people and the legal inheritors of the vineyard.

                     These all-encompassing “Jew” references tend to cover up all the 31 different Canaanite
              tribes that resided in Judea; and the foreigners of Samaria called Sephardims (a name the
              Canaanites also adopted for deceptive purposes). The Sephardims displaced the ten tribes of Israel
              conquered by the Assyrians about 715 B.C.

                     These ten-tribed Israelites were removed from Samaria and driven beyond the Euphrates
              River to a location just south of the Caucasian Mountains between the Caspian and Black Seas,
              from whence they soon began their northwestwards trek into Europe and the Appointed Isles of
              Britain. As the centuries passed, they blossomed into the great Protestant Christian nations of the
              West and ruled in great benevolent power the world over, as long as their people were governed by
              the “Law of the Lord” and kept the Canaanite Jew out of their legislative and financial affairs.

                     When the Scriptures refer to all this conglomeration of people living in the Holy Land, the
              Authorized King James Version of 1611 translated the Latin “Iudeaus” and the Greek “Ioudaios” to
              the English word “Judeans” — not the word “Jews,” that the revised coined in 1775, which con-
              ceals and puts a false Israelitish veneer over the Canaanite Jew and leaves the impression that all the
              people living in Judea descend from the great called-out patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Israel
              and his 12 sons.

                     The Bible description of the Canaanite Jews is very specific and genealogically correct as to
              their racial mixture (Ezekiel 16:3, 45-46); their father, an Amorite; their mother, an Hittite; their
              older sister is Samaria; and their younger sister is Sodom. Yeshua the Messiah, in referring to all
              this conglomeration of Canaanites descended from the murderer Cain, named them “dogs.” (see:
              Matthew 15:21-28.) Before 1775, these Shelanites were never falsely called Israelites,
              YEHOVAH’s chosen people. They are not included in the fleshly genealogy of Yeshua the Mes-
              siah. (See Matthew 1:1-17.)

                     There are two types of Jew in the Christian Caucasian Western nations today — the true and
              the false — (1) the true Canaanite Jew Pharisees who acknowledge YEHOVAH but deny Yeshua
              as the Messiah; and (2) the false Khazar Oriental-Turkic Jew Sadducees of southeastern Europe
              who are atheists. Both these true and false Jews practice the Babylonian Talmud Traditions of the

                     Judah’s true Israelite line of descent by way of Pharez and Zarah are simply ignored; but the
              revisors were careful to make a distinction between the various Jew political parties — the Phari-
              sees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes, Assassins, Herodians and Scribes; and the half-breed descen-
              dants of Red Esau called Edomites (Idumeans). The Esau-Edomites were forced to assume the
              name Jew and practice the Jews’ religion during the reign of John Hyrcanus, 153-104 B.C. (These
              Turkic-Edomites are now the Khazar eastern European false Jews identified by their conspicuous
              hawkbill nose.)

                                                                       The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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