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              Is “ELOHIM” Really Uni-plural?                                                             35

                     It is an amazing fact that writers of com- between God and God.” He then cites Psalm
              mentaries on Psalm 110:1 and tracts on the na- 110:1, where in fact the sacred text carefully
              ture of God have very often provided erroneous informs us that God is speaking to another who
              information about the original words of Scrip- is not God (adoni). In recent times, a booklet
              ture in this precious verse.                   produced by the Church of God International,
                                                             “Who, What is God?” states: “In Psalm 110:1
                     Benjamin Warfield in a celebrated article the Messiah is called ‘Lord’ (Adonai).” But the
              on the Trinity in the International Standard Bi- word there is NOT adonai. If it were, the Bible
              ble Encyclopedia speaks of “certain repetitions would indeed present us with two Gods.
              of the name of God which seem to distinguish

                                      “One God” Scriptures

                     Isaiah 42:8 “I am YEHOVAH: that is Psalm 72:18 “Blessed be YEHOVAH
                     my name: and MY GLORY WILL I God, the GOD OF ISRAEL, WHO
                     NOT GIVE TO ANOTHER...”                 ONLY does wondrous things.”

                     James 2:19 “You believe that there is Jude 4 “...denying the ONLY LORD
                     ONE GOD; you do well...”                GOD, and our Lord Yeshua Messiah.”

                     Isaiah 43:10 “...BEFORE ME THERE Deuteronomy 4:39 “Know therefore this
                     WAS NO GOD FORMED, NEITHER day, and consider it in your heart, that
                     SHALL THERE BE AFTER ME.”               YEHOVAH HE IS GOD in heaven
                                                             above, and upon the earth beneath:
                     Jude 25 “To the ONLY WISE GOD           THERE IS NONE ELSE.”
                     our Saviour, be glory and majesty, do-
                     minion and power, both now and for I Corinthians 8:6 “To us there is but
                     ever. Amen.”                            ONE GOD, THE FATHER, of whom
                                                             are all things.”
                     Isaiah 44:6 “Thus saith YEHOVAH...I
                     AM THE FIRST, AND I AM THE              Isaiah 45:22 “Look unto me, and be you
                     LAST; AND BESIDE ME THERE IS saved, all the ends of the earth: for I AM
                     NO GOD.”                                GOD, and THERE IS NONE ELSE.”

                     I Corinthians 8:4 “ idol is nothing Ephesians 4:4-6 “There is one body, and
                     in the world, and that THERE IS         one spirit...One Lord, one faith, one
                     NONE OTHER GOD BUT ONE.”                baptism, ONE GOD AND FATHER OF
                                                             ALL, who is above all, and through all,
                     Isaiah 44:8 “...IS THERE A GOD          and in you all.”
                     BESIDE ME? Yes, there is no God; I
                     KNOW NOT ANY.”                          Isaiah 45:5 “I am YEHOVAH, and
                                                             there is none else, THERE IS NO GOD
                     James 4:12 “There is ONE       LAW-     BESIDE ME...”

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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