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              36                                                                    Hope of Israel Mail Bag

               Letters from Our Readers ...

               The Hope of Israel Mail Bag

              Dear John,                                     was the perfect Lamb of Yahweh to take away the sins of
                                                             the world.
                     Loving greetings of peace and wisdom in
              Yahshua. Thank you for “The Berean Voice” (7-8, 2001).  We are very much into natural herbs and reme-
              I do not know how or why I received it just a few days ago. dies. Enclosed is a tip to help prevent cancer. In your case
              I find it very interesting -- especially about the 7th Day start eating them now! Also, Saw Palmetto herb and
              Sabbaths being on the phases of the moon. From Pygeum herb is good for the prostate. We have also experi-
              Yahweh’s viewpoint it makes a lot of sense. In over 30 enced healing with magnets.
              years of belief, I have never thought about it.
                                                                    Your writing is quite intelligent. Feel free to send
                     We do wonder why you spell Yahweh’s Name more of your work. I will read it and give a heartfelt reply.
              Yehovah. As you probably know there is not a “J” or “V”
              in the Hebrew language. The name Jehovah only goes Thank you,
              back to about the 1500’s in Germany. It is a combination
              of the two YHWH and Adonai (an idol’s name). The J.D. (California)
              Names you print do not contain the Almighty’s Name
              YAH. This includes the name Yeshua. I am enclosing a COMMENTS: The precise pronunciation of the Divine
              sheet that might help.                         Name is uncertain. Traditional, orthodox Jews object to
                                                             any vocalization of the Name whatsoever. They believe
                     I believe that the flood happened just as the Bible that this Holy Name of God should never be pronounced
              says. However, the continents were probably not divided publicly or written out with vowels. There are many “Sa-
              at that time (Genesis 10:25). It was cataclysmic and would cred Name” groups who argue for this or that “correct”
              have affected the whole world. Why? The earth was tilted pronunciation of the Name and insist that one use the form
              on its axis. (At the North Pole mammoths were found they have convinced themselves is correct. Most prefer the
              frozen with greenery in their mouths.) Tall mountains pronunciation YAHWEH, and indeed, this vocalization
              were formed suddenly. The firmament that surrounded the has the support of the majority of scholars. Others argue
              whole earth -- a layer of water was emptied on the earth. for such possibilities as YEHOAH, YAHUWEH or
              “The floodgates of Heaven were opened.” Genesis 7:11. YAHUEH, YAHUWAH or YAHUVAH, YAHVAH or
              This flood happened to destroy the descendants of Cain YAHWAH, etc. The list goes on and on. As you can see
              who were evil on the earth. Why would Yahweh save from these examples, not only are the proper vowels in dis-
              them? I grew up in Denver, Colorado and spent time in pute, but there is much discussion as to whether the third
              some tall mountains. One time I remember being on one letter of the name should be represented as a “V” or a “W”
              mountain where we saw much of the rock was containing in English.
              seashells. Yahweh was trying to show me about the flood.
                                                                    Frankly, much of the confusion arises because of
                     Biologically, one must see that Yahshua was the a lack of knowledge of basic Hebrew grammar as well as
              seed of Yahweh and for that fact alone must have pre-ex- the history and development of modern Hebrew. However,
              isted. That makes Him very different from you and me. He even among those who do understand the technical prob-
                                                             lems involved in this question there is often basic dis-

                                                                       The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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