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              Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    41

              Jerusalem and then lighting fires on the hill tops so that  I have been receiving The Berean Voice lately
              people in outlying areas would know the new month was and I really think that some of my friends in Pittsburgh, PA
              starting. Also, there is much evidence to show that would be very thankful to receive The Berean Voice and
              YEHOVAH first created human beings in the vicinity of find out the truth....(they have a love for Israel, and a want
              Jerusalem. This being so, “the first evening and the first for the truth of the Word. Please put them on your list and
              morning” in Genesis chapter 1 were given from the per- send them The Berean Voice, also if you don’t mind some
              spective of the general geographical area of Jerusalem. It of the latest ones. Thanks so very much.
              is the place where YEHOVAH God tells us that He placed
              His Name -- He selected the area of Jerusalem. It is the  About myself, I am a Messianic Rabbi and have a
              area on which the Bible focuses.               small congregation in Pittsburgh, was born and raised in
                                                             Israel, and the Lord Yeshua introduced himself to me
                     We should, therefore, view the New Moon in when I was going through some very tragic and painful
              terms of “Jerusalem time” rather than in terms of “Green- times, he called me out, to serve and obey him -- my goal is
              wich Mean Time” or some other local time zone. This to serve him and obey him to my last breath, and glorify
              means that we use JERUSALEM as our “reference point.” his name and live to see all Israel saved, Amen.
              However, we do NOT start and end days at Jerusalem! We
              use the International Dateline to start and end days -- as  May Yehovah God and His Messiah bless you
              does the entire world around us.               and this wonderful ministry.

                                   ***                       R.H. (Pennsylvania)

                     Just want to thank you for all of your fine                   ***
              work....I was searching my family tree (Kerr) Scottish
              when I discovered we are true Israelites thru my clan’s Dear Sir/Madam,
              shield/coat of arms...things have snowballed since that
              time much to my delight! I started going to messianic tem-  Thanks for sending me 2 issues of The Berean
              ple, met my husband Dani’el thru their newspaper the Voice (Vols. 1, Num. 4 & Vol. 2, Num. 4) and the article
              Messianic Times. He in turn brought me to the whole To- Have We Been Observing the Sabbath At the Wrong
              rah truth and to your fine magazine....I now also live in In- Time All These Years?
              diana and we are getting ready to go back for retrial and
              claiming victory for my husband Rabbi Dani’el Ishijah  Please send me the 4 articles:-
              and his soon release from prison so we can continue our
              ministry together at Beth Tzadik, Amen. We covet your 1. Nature of Pre-Existence in the N.T.
                                                             2. 12 Proofs That Yeshua Did Not Pre-Exist
                                                             3. Did Yeshua Pre-Exist Before His Human Birth?
              C. (Indiana)
                                                             4. The Story of the Pagan Christian Logos
              COMMENT: Thank you for your kind words. You are in
              our prayers.                                          Many thanks (___enclosed).

                                   ***                       A.C. (England)

              Dear John D. Keyser!                           P.S. I am a 1970 A.C. Graduate!!

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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