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42 Hope of Israel Mail Bag
Dear Brethren, In Yahsua Messiah’s name
Greetings in the name of Yahweh! How are you D.B. (Texas)
folks? Please continue to send me The Berean Voice. I
cannot send you any donation now though because am a COMMENT: You should have received a copy of Mr.
Texas inmate. I earn no money and survive by my wits and Hunt’s book by now. We hope you found it useful.
on infrequent donations to my inmate trust fund from fam-
ily, brethren and friends. Right now I have no funds at ***
Shalom Sir,
While I’m not convinced of your belief in the “lu-
nar sabbath cycle,” I do enjoy your articles on the House of Good day and Shalom in the name of Yahshua
Israel and share many of your other beliefs including the the Messiah. I am very glad to know you and your works
belief that the flood was local not global. How else does which I am touched in spirit to declare divinely inspired
one account for the many variations of race extant at or and established.
near the time of the flood? And, how could all these
strangers have come from our ancestors Adam and I am now writing to you and your Hope of Yisrael
Chavrah?? Ministries to make more enquires about your doctrines
and mission, and to send most of your free Booklets and
I’ve known of Mr. Hunt’s book A Woman Rides Pamphlets and the precious word Ha’shem Magazine, the
the Beast for about the last 45 years.....I wrote him a letter Book of Yahweh (Holy Scriptures) the 613 laws of our
several years ago and he told me that I’d soon be hearing Creator and commentary about Shabbath keeping and
from “the brethren and to expect a complimentary copy of many other materials you mail it will help us. I know this
his book soon” but I never heard from anyone connected to will help us a bit and enlighten us the more even to under-
his “congregation” nor did I receive the book.....If I re- stand our Heavenly Father Yahweh and His son Yahshua.
member correctly he is little more than a “secular main-
stream Sunday Christian” if I recall his letter to me?? Please the Hope of Yisrael Ministries, I found
out that your mouth is like that of the fully aged -- it may
Do you folks have a used, damaged, donated or be empty of teeth, but not words of wisdom because when
otherwise unsaleable copy of A Woman Rides the Beast a Lion that refuses to perform its role as the King of the
that I could possibly obtain for my study? Jungle will die of starvation, and a brace man does not live
to see his Kingdom fall. No matter how long the neck is,
I’m very much interested in any articles you have the head would always be on top when we find out that
on Israel because as an Israelite man who believes in the Shabbath is the really religion that came from above from
law, and that America is regathered Israel, it never ceases the hand of our Creator Yahweh, we want to learn more
to amaze me why we allow these strangers and truth that is from above, and spiritual things for our studies
godworshippers to exist in our land? These terror attacks here in Nigeria for the sake of the truth from above, our
could not be carried out if there were no strangers living Ministry truth and life covenant of Yahweh would want
among us who are both racial aliens and devil-worship- the Hope of Yisrael Ministries to get us a deeper relation-
pers! ship to her for us to learn the truth from the right way
Yahweh want it concern the Yahweh’s doctrine and their
I must close before I get too irritated about this feasts of Tabernacle/Passover. There is many mission As-
serious problem. semblies here in Nigeria now and most of them have not
declared the Holy names Yahweh and Yahshua for their
May Yah bless thee always, worship usage. If I am well equipped both in knowledge
and materials, these people could be turned away from
The Berean Voice July-August 2002