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Hope of Israel Mail Bag 45
visible.” The sun and moon were created “in the beginning Sincerely,
and the light came from the sun of course, but the vapor in
the earth’s atmosphere diffused and blocked the light. Af- P.A. (Ohio)
ter the great cataclysm which caused the “tohu” and
“bohu” the earth was cut off from the sun’s light -- as well COMMENT: The issue you are missing has been sent to
as that of the moon and stars. Darkness covered the earth, you. Let us know if you have not received it by now.
as verse 2 says: “And the earth was (became) without form
and void (tohu and bohu); and darkness was upon the face ***
of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of
the waters.” Dear Mr. Keyser,
Here we see the earth destroyed and in pitch I’ve studied your various articles and have come
darkness, covered by water -- the continents submerged to a satisfactory conclusion that you are right as far as Je-
due to some great cataclysm. sus not pre-existing before his human birth, but I still have
a couple of verses which I would like to be clarified.
During the process of re-creation or reconstruc-
tion, YEHOVAH God first caused the sun’s light to pene- In Micah 5:2 we read: “But you, Bethlehem
trate the murky atmosphere once again in a diffused Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Ju-
manner -- see Genesis 1:3-5. This allowed day and night to dah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler
become discernible. YEHOVAH created order in the at- over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient
mosphere (verses 6-8). He made the dry land appear again times.” Is this referring to the pre-ordination of Jesus and
(verse 10) and caused it to once again bring forth life -- not his pre-existence?
plants and vegetation of all kinds. As the inpenetrable
clouds and atmospheric disturbances cleared away, He “No one has ever gone into heaven except the one
caused the sun, moon and stars to once again be visible who came from heaven -- the Son of Man” (John 3:13). Is
from the planet’s surface (verses 14-18). After a mighty this a mistranslation? What does this mean?
catastrophe had overwhelmed the Pre-Adamic earth
(which is briefly described in Genesis 1:2), YEHOVAH Another verse which seems to clearly suggest
God refashioned the surface and created new living crea- that Jesus pre-existed is: “For he, who had always been
tures to repopulate and replenish it (verses 20-25). God by nature, did not cling to his prerogatives as God’s
equal, but stripped himself of all privilege by consenting to
*** be a slave by nature and being born as mortal man. And,
having become man, he humbled himself by living a life of
Dear Mr. Keyser, utter obedience, even to the extent of dying, and the death
he died was the death of a common criminal” (Phil. 2:6-7,
Enclosed please find an offering during the Feast Phillips).
of Tabernacles.
“I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”
Thank you very much for sending me your maga- (Luke 10:18). If Jesus saw Satan fall from heaven, as he
zine, The Berean Voice. But I haven’t yet received the says he did, then he must have pre-existed Satan himself.
July-August 2001 issue.
The following four verses claim that both YHVH
I am feeling somewhat better. & Jesus are both the Alpha and the Omega, which would
suggest that Jesus is the Lord of the Old Testament and
I pray you are doing well, also, so you may be thus pre-existed according to William Dankenbring’s un-
able to keep up with your thorough research. derstanding. John records in Revelation the words of God,
The Berean Voice July-August 2002