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              48                                                                    Hope of Israel Mail Bag

              helps to understand another scripture which has been mis- tally different meaning to this scripture! The Kingdom In-
              interpreted -- John 3:13.                      terlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures also
                                                             OMITS these four added words, as does The NIV Inter-
              John 3:13                                      linear Greek-English New Testament, by Marshall, based
                                                             on the Nestle Greek Text. The Revised Standard Version
                     In John 3:13 (NKJV) we find written: “No one of the New Testament has CORRECTLY OMITTED
              has ascended to heaven but He who came down from these last four words, as you can read for yourself: “No
              heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.”  one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from
                                                             heaven, the Son of man.” With the understanding that the
                     It is safe to say that a son is IN the loins of his ancient Hebrews called YEHOVAH by the term
              earthly, physical father BEFORE being in his mother’s “Heaven,” John 3:13 can correctly be translated: “For no
              womb. Obviously that child does not exist as an intelligent one has yet gone up to heaven; but there is One who has
              or separate individual -- but is a part of his or her earthly come out of YEHOVAH -- the Son of Man.”
              father. Now, it was exactly the same thing with Yeshua:
              He was IN the Heavenly Father YEHOVAH just like Levi  We should realize that Yeshua the Messiah him-
              was IN Abraham!                                self was speaking here. And he states that up until his time
                                                             NO ONE had ascended into heaven! But after Yeshua’s
                     To digress here a little bit we need to understand resurrection, he THEN ascended to sit at YEHOVAH’s
              that the Hebrews began calling YEHOVAH by the right hand. HE IS THE ONLY MAN WHO HAS EVER
              periphrase “Heaven” in order to avoid using THE NAME, DONE SO! Even at that time no one else had ascended
              “YEHOVAH” -- which they considered too holy to pro- into the heavens -- not even King David, as the apostle Pe-
              nounce. We find this verified in The Interpreter’s Dictio- ter clearly states in Acts 2:32-35: “This Jesus God had
              nary of the Bible, p. 431: “The Jewish reverential raised up. Of which we are all witnesses. Therefore being
              periphrases for God are sometimes used (though among exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from
              them is not “the Name,” absolutely) -- e.g.: “the Blessed,” the Father the promise of the holy spirit, He poured out this
              “Power” (Mark 14:61-62), “heaven” (Luke 15:18; cf. The which you now see and hear. For David did not ascend
              frequent Matthean phrase “the kingdom of heaven”), “the into the heavens, but he says himself: ‘The LORD said to
              Wisdom of God” (Luke 11:49), “the Majestic Glory” (II my lord, sit at My right hand, till I make your enemies your
              Peter 1:17).” We also find this mentioned in The Anchor footstool.’”
              Bible, I Maccabees, pps. 136, 142: “...the Jews themselves
              said their religion had come from outside the Promised  Because the Hebrews began calling YEHOVAH
              Land and called their God the ‘God of Heaven’ and even “Heaven” and because the scriptures were ADDED TO by
              ‘HEAVEN’(Ouranos)....Even the pious translator of unscrupulous translators, this opened the way for the Ro-
              First Maccabees called his God by the Greek word for man Catholic Church -- the Great Whore -- to teach that
              ‘heaven,’ Ouranos, the name of a pagan deity.”  her savior was “pre-existent” as a god in heaven alongside
                                                             YEHOVAH the Father. The Catholic Church and her
                     Another fact that you should be aware of is that prostitute daughters (all the churches and congregations
              the LAST FOUR WORDS of John 3:13 have been added that follow this religious whore) teach this as doctrine to
              by the translators! These words are NOT to be found in the this very day! In other words, this opened the way for the
              Codex Sinaiticus, the oldest complete Greek Manuscript, teaching of the so-called “Incarnation” -- that their savior
              upon which the Concordant Version is based, and is true god and true man. But the fact of the matter is that
              NEITHER are they to be found in the Vatican Manuscript the question of the Incarnation did NOT even arise until
              -- another of the oldest manuscripts. My New King James AFTER 325 A.D. -- during the time of Emperor
              Bible, in a note to John 3:13, says: “NU omits ‘who is in Constantine the so-called savior of Christianity! And then
              heaven.’” Unfortunately, the words “who is in heaven” it only arose among the Church Fathers headquartered in
              were ADDED by unscrupulous translators and gives a to- Alexandria, Egypt -- the capital of the ancient PAGAN

                                                                       The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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