Page 49 - BV16
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Hope of Israel Mail Bag 49
WORLD! Most every Bible dictionary admits that the mation: He says that when a person is BORN, he or she is
word “Incarnation” cannot be found anywhere in the Bi- born INTO THE WORLD. Now did Yeshua mean that
ble. that person existed somewhere outside the world
BEFORE he or she was born? Of course not! This simply
Yeshua the Messiah came from “Heaven” -- from means they were begotten by their earthly Fathers, BORN
YEHOVAH -- from the bowels of the Heavenly Father. of their earthly mothers; BROUGHT INTO EXISTENCE,
Therefore, Yeshua was “in Heaven” -- in the bowels of his and thereby “INTO THE WORLD” -- into the society of
Father -- before he existed as a human being. Yeshua did existing human beings. This is EXACTLY the way that
NOT ascend into heaven as a Perfect Spiritual Being until Yeshua the Messiah was “brought into the world”: He
AFTER his resurrection, to enjoy the GLORY with his came forth from his Father, YEHOVAH, and was BORN
Heavenly Father until the World Tomorrow is established into the world by his mother, Mary.
here on this earth. Yeshua did NOT ascend to heaven as
the tiny seed by which he came out from “Heaven” -- out Yeshua said, in John 3:16, the following: “For
of YEHOVAH. The tiny seed brought to Mary, the mother God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten
of Yeshua, by the holy spirit, was the ONLY WAY the Bi- son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
ble shows that Yeshua came FROM “Heaven”! Notice have everlasting life.” And when he said this, he con-
what Luke 1:35 says: “In answer the angel said to her firmed the FACT that he was BEGOTTEN -- brought into
[Mary]: ‘Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the existence -- and therefore did NOT “pre-exist”! You were
Most High will overshadow you. For that reason also what not alive before you were born; yet your savior (sent by
is born will be called holy, God’s son.’” Notice also John YEHOVAH) says you “came into the world.” Why, I ask
16:27-28, where Yeshua describes his coming into the you, do the false ministers of this world want us to believe
world as a human being, coming forth from his Father: that Yeshua “must have been alive somewhere OUTSIDE
“For the Father Himself has affection for you, because you the world before he was born” -- when the Bible clearly
have had affection for me and have believed that I came says he was BEGOTTEN and then BORN INTO THE
out as the Father’s representative.I came out from the Fa- WORLD? John 1:9 plainly says “that the true
ther and have come into the world. Further, I am leaving Light...lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” If
the world and am going my way to the Father.” “coming into the world” means (according to lying minis-
ters) that Yeshua “pre-existed” somewhere outside the
Now the word translated “CAME OUT” in the world, then WE ALL by necessity must have “pre-ex-
above verses is word #1831 in Strong’s Greek Dictionary, isted” somewhere outside this world -- because ALL who
and literally means “TO ISSUE.” However, Thayer’s are called out by YEHOVAH have been appointed before-
Greek-English Lexicon to the New Testament shows this hand as Romans 8:24-30 so clearly states!
word to mean “TO BE BORN OF”! -- see pages 222-223:
“b. to come forth from physically, arise from, to be born of: In this same context we read the following in
e’k with general. Of the place from which one comes by John 3:21: “He that comes from above is over all others.
birth,...” Yeshua the Messiah came forth physically FROM He that is from the earth is from the earth and speaks of
YEHOVAH his Father, by being begotten by Him! Yeshua things of the earth. He that comes from heaven is over all
was IN the Heavenly Father just as Levi was IN Abraham others.” In light of what we have learnt -- that
and you and I individually were IN our earthly fathers. YEHOVAH’s true Name has been covered up with man-
Clearly, Yeshua came forth FROM the Heavenly Father. made titles and appellations -- this scripture should be
If we go to John 16:21 we will get further clarification: “A translated thus: “He who has come out of YEHOVAH has
woman, when she is giving birth, has grief, because her authority over all. He who is from the earth, is earthly, and
hour has arrived; but when she has brought forth the young speaks of the earth; but he who comes out of YEHOVAH
child, she remembers the tribulation no more because of is over all.” This should be easy for us to understand:
the joy that a man HAS BEEN BORN INTO THE BEFORE we existed, we were IN our earthly fathers; that
WORLD.” Notice carefully how Yeshua stated this infor- makes us “earthly.” Before Yeshua existed, he was IN the
The Berean Voice July-August 2002