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              Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    51

              GOD.” The contradiction can be resolved if we consult matter of the “emptied” scripture to be the amazing
              other translations. Notice what The Kingdom Interlinear HUMILITY of Yeshua. Notice: “Let nothing be done
              Translation of the Greek Scriptures says: “Who, al- through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of
              though he was existing in God’s form, gave no consider- mind [HUMILITY] let each esteem others better than him-
              ation to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to self. Let each of you look out not only for his own inter-
              God.” The RSV makes it even clearer: “Who though he ests, but also FOR THE INTERESTS OF OTHERS.”
              was in the form of God DID NOT COUNT EQUALITY (Verses 3-4). The apostle Paul, explaining what a called
              WITH GOD A THING TO BE GRASPED.” The Jewish out one of YEHOVAH should do to be humble, shows us
              New Testament renders it thus: “Though he was in the the ultimate example of humility: “Let this mind [of total
              form of God, he did not regard equality with God humility] be in you which was also in Christ Jesus; who,
              SOMETHING TO BE POSSESSED BY FORCE.” And being in the form of God, thought it not a thing to be seized
              the NIV: “Who being in very nature God, DID NOT to be equal with God, but EMPTIED himself, and took on
              CONSIDER EQUALITY WITH GOD SOMETHING TO the form of a servant [humble status], and was made in the
              BE GRASPED.” Only the King James Version, the Catho- likeness of man [he was a man like every other human be-
              lic Douey Version and a few others say that Yeshua was ing], and being found in fashion as a man, HE HUMBLED
              equal with YEHOVAH God. The word for “robbery” in HIMSELF, and became obedient unto death, even the
              the KJV is harpagmos (Strong’s #725) which occurs only death of the cross” (verses 5-8). The subject here is
              once in the New Testament. It comes from the Greek word Yeshua’s humbling of himself to the point of death on the
              harpazo (#726) which means “to take by force” or “to tree -- the lowliest form of death at that time. The word
              seize.” Since Yeshua clearly said that he was NOT equal “emptied” is kenoo (Strong’s #2758) and it occurs five
              with YEHOVAH the Father, Philippians 2:6 must mean times in the New Testament. In the other verses it conveys
              that although he was born in the form of YEHOVAH (as the meaning of “void” or “nullified.” Both of these words
              we ALL were -- see Genesis 1:26), he thought it was not would fit the context of verse 7 as well as “emptied.”
              right to be considered equal with YEHOVAH -- that
              equality with YEHOVAH was not a thing to be seized or  There is absolutely NO REASON to think that
              grasped at. When properly translated Philippians 2:6 Yeshua was revealing a pre-human Godly existence, and
              should read as follows: “Who, being in the form of the “emptying” himself of his “divinity.” Rather, he was
              YEHOVAH, beginning under Him who is higher, consid- BORN of the virgin Mary as A HUMAN BEING, and
              ered it not a thing to be seized to be equal with (with the help of YEHOVAH’s spirit) had the strength of
              YEHOVAH.” This clearly shows that Yeshua DID NOT character to humble himself to allow his life to be forfeit --
              “pre-exist” and it points out that Yeshua was NEVER a be- thereby being the ultimate Lamb of YEHOVAH, the sav-
              ing like YEHOVAH, nor equal to Him! Yeshua was never ior of all mankind. The end-result of Yeshua’s humility is
              a “second YEHOVAH” beside YEHOVAH the Father -- that YEHOVAH “God HIGHLY EXALTED HIM, and
              nor was Yeshua the Creator! Yeshua began his existence gave him a name above every other name” (verse 9). We
              as a lesser being than YEHOVAH -- a MAN. And when are instructed to follow in his footsteps.
              YEHOVAH resurrected him on the third day -- just as the
              Bible says -- we also find that Yeshua the Messiah, al-  If Yeshua was the Creator God of the Old Testa-
              though alive and at the right hand of YEHOVAH in ment (as many think), then this exaltation AFTER his
              heaven, is STILL NOT EQUAL TO YEHOVAH, AND death and resurrection would amount to a SEVERE
              NEVER WILL BE! The Bible is very clear on this point. DEMOTION, in comparison to his assumed previous po-
                                                             sition as Creator God to being the human Messiah and
                     Did Yeshua, as the purported God of the Old Tes- Lamb of YEHOVAH whose reward is to gain back SOME
              tament, “empty himself” of his “divinity” and become a of the powers he supposedly had in his “pre-existent”
              human being -- as Philippians 2:7 seems to insist? Let’s days! Does this sound logical to you? However, for the
              look at the context of this scripture to find out what “emp- non-pre-existent Yeshua the Messiah and FIRST-BORN
              tied” really means. Philippians 2:3-8 shows the subject SON of the Creator God, the heir of all things, this would

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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