Page 50 - BV16
P. 50
50 Hope of Israel Mail Bag
Heavenly Father. Therefore, Yeshua is “heavenly,” be- self of no reputation and took upon him the form of a ser-
cause he came out from YEHOVAH, Who is in heaven. vant, and was made in the likeness of man.” This scripture
To wrap up this thought, let’s read John 1:6: “There was a appears to teach that Yeshua was the God of the Old Testa-
man sent from God, whose name was John [the Baptist].” ment by implying that Yeshua was EQUAL with
John was SENT from YEHOVAH -- SENT from YEHOVAH God and thus had been God. It also implies
“HEAVEN”! Now, does this mean that John “pre-existed” that Yeshua then emptied himself of his Old Testament
IN heaven and that YEHOVAH sent him to earth? Re- Godhood to become human. Is this true? Just what does it
member that John said (3:13) “And NO MAN has as- mean to be “equal with God”? Let’s take a look at several
cended up to heaven...” Since NO MAN has ascended up scriptures that seem to support the notion that Yeshua was
to heaven, but Yeshua who ascended AFTER his resurrec- equal to YEHOVAH God. Notice John 5:18: “Therefore
tion, then John the Baptist was not “IN heaven” when he the Jews sought all the more to kill him, because he not
was “sent from YEHOVAH”! only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was his Fa-
ther, making himself equal with God.”
We should not believe that because the Bible says
Yeshua was sent from YEHOVAH that he “pre-existed” The word “equal” in this verse comes from the
before his human birth! In John 4:34 and in John 3:17 Greek word isos (Strong’s #2470) meaning equal as in an
Yeshua states: “For he whom God hath sent speaketh the isosceles triangle -- a triangle with two equal sides. So why
words of God: for God giveth not the spirit by measure is Yeshua said to be “equal with God” in John 5:18? The
unto him (4:34).” “For God sent not His son into the world answer is to be found in the CONTEXT of this verse. The
to condemn the world; but that the world through him Jewish religious leaders said Yeshua was claiming to be
might be saved (3:17).” Now, logically, if John 4:34 means equal with YEHOVAH God because he said YEHOVAH
that Yeshua the Messiah “pre-existed,” then John 1:6 was his Father. This was the Jews’ perception -- NOT a
means that John the Baptist also “pre-existed” because statement of fact. We say that YEHOVAH is our Father --
Yeshua the Messiah AND John the Baptist were BOTH does this mean we are claiming equality with YEHOVAH
SENT by YEHOVAH! However, being “sent by God? The context of John 5:18 clearly shows that Yeshua
YEHOVAH” means that they BOTH had YEHOVAH’s himself DID NOT claim equality with the Father, but
authority; they BOTH were written about in the prophe- claimed the exact opposite. Notice John 5:19: “...the son
cies -- having written credentials to DO THE WORK can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father do.”
THAT YEHOVAH God had commissioned them to do. Now verse 22: “For the Father...has committed all judg-
And just as you and I, John the Baptist, Levi, Jeremiah -- ment to the son.” Now verses 26 and 27: “For as the Father
all of the called out ones of YEHOVAH -- were IN our has life in Himself, so He has GRANTED the son to have
earthly fathers, so Yeshua the Messiah was IN his Heav- life in himself, and HAS GIVEN HIM AUTHORITY to
enly Father -- NOT as a “pre-existent” being but as a seed execute judgment also.” Finally verse 30: “I can of myself
that could (and did) become a living, flesh and blood DO NOTHING. I do not seek my own will but the will of
MAN. the Father who sent me.” Without dispute these verses
show that Yeshua the Messiah was NEVER equal to -- nor
Philippians 2:6-7 claimed to be equal to -- the Father. He never was, or will
be equal to the Father.
Most people in the Christian world today try to
exalt Yeshua the Messiah ABOVE YEHOVAH God -- Now what about Philippians 2:6? What can this
something that Yeshua would never do! And there is one verse mean when it says that Yeshua “thought it not rob-
scripture that has deliberately been twisted to make it ap- bery to be equal with God”? Since Yeshua was never equal
pear as though Yeshua was making himself EQUAL with with YEHOVAH the Father -- as he repeatedly stated --
YEHOVAH. This scripture is Philippians 2:6, which reads the King James Version of this scripture certainly seems to
as follows: “Who [Yeshua], being in the form of God, be a biblical contradiction: “Who being in the form of God
thought it not robbery to be equal with God; but made him- THOUGHT IT NOT ROBBERY TO BE EQUAL WITH
The Berean Voice July-August 2002