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              Hope of Israel Mail Bag                                                                    53

                     Are there any other verses in the Bible that dis- THE EARTH, and his angels were cast out with him! It
              cuss Satan’s fall -- verses that might clarify the time-frame was a crushing defeat, which nothing but Yeshua’s death
              of this event? Indeed there are. Notice Revelation 8:10-11, on the tree could have inflicted upon the prince of this
              which highlights the Third Trumpet: “And the third angel world. The Old Testament reveals (Job 1:6; 2:1; Zechariah
              sounded, and THERE FELL A GREAT STAR FROM 3:1) that in the days before Yeshua’s death Satan had free
              HEAVEN, burning as it were a LAMP, and it fell upon the access to the courts of heaven. But how could this state of
              third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; affairs continue after the work of atonement was finished?
              and the name of the STAR is called Wormwood; and the How could the accuser -- that old serpent -- raise his head
              third part of the waters became wormwood; and many or even present himself before the slain Lamb upon the
              men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.” A throne? If the above Old Testament scriptures show that
              “star” is a notable person, angel or man and, as we have Satan had access to the courts of heaven just before
              seen, Lucifer’s name means “shining STAR of the dawn.” Yeshua’s death, how could he have been cast down to
              Here we have a great star, one “burning as a lamp”; and a earth EONS ago?
              third part of the rivers and fountains of waters are affected
              by its fall. This “great star” in Revelation 8 represents Sa-  The New Testament scriptures clearly place him
              tan himself. The name “Lucifer” also means light bearer, ON EARTH -- see I Peter 5:8. This agrees perfectly with
              so the words “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, the vision in Revelation 12:9, in which Satan and his hosts
              son of the morning!” (Isaiah 14:12) agree in meaning with are “cast to the earth” and he goes on to MAKE WAR with
              Revelation 8:10. Also, of course, this agrees entirely with the remnant of the woman’s seed who keep the command-
              Yeshua’s words, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from ments of YEHOVAH and have the testimony of Yeshua
              heaven” in Luke 10:18.                         the Messiah (Revelation 12:17). This most certainly is the
                                                             state of things since the death of Yeshua -- and it is A
                     Then, to further reinforce this association, we GRAVE ERROR to refer it back to a time eons ago or to
              have Yeshua’s words in John 12:31-33 which FIX THE some future date as some people do. Satan no longer has
              TIME of the casting out of Satan from heaven -- notice! the upper hand and was cast out of his former place of au-
              “’NOW is the judgment of this world; NOW the RULER thority AT THE DEATH AND RESURRECTION OF
              OF THIS WORLD WILL BE CAST OUT. And I, if I am THE MESSIAH. This breaking of Satan’s power was by
              lifted up from the earth [crucified], will draw all peoples to the death of Yeshua and it CANNOT be referred back in
              myself.’ This he said, signifying by what death he would time or moved forward in time without serious harm to the
              die.” Here we have the most authorative evidence that one validity of the Scriptures. By the death of Yeshua “for-
              of the IMMEDIATE results of Yeshua’s death on the tree giveness of sin has been obtained, and thus Satan’s most
              (”NOW,” “NOW”) would be the casting out of Satan. The formidable weapon has been wrenched out of his hands”
              Messiah was about to meet the principalities and powers (Hengstenberg). Therefore, in the New Testament, we are
              of darkness at Calvary -- and to “make a show of them told that Satan is already a conquered foe “cast out” of
              openly, triumphing over them in his cross” (Colossians heaven by the death and resurrection of the Messiah.
              2:15). By his own death he was to “destroy him that had
              the power of death, that is the devil” (Hebrews 2:14).  Since Satan was cast down to earth at the time of
                                                             Yeshua’s death and resurrection, it was appropriate for
                     Not only that, but Revelation 12:1-9 reveals that him to say “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”
              at the time of Yeshua’s ascension to heaven there was war (Luke 10:18). When Yeshua ascended to heaven and took
              in heaven between Michael and his angels, and Satan and his place at the right hand of YEHOVAH, “angels, and au-
              his angels. Notes Revelation 12:8: “But they did not pre- thorities, and powers” were “made subject unto him” -- I
              vail, NOR WAS A PLACE FOUND FOR THEM IN Peter 3:22. That was the moment, therefore, for the
              HEAVEN ANY LONGER. So the great dragon [Satan] REVOLT of the angels -- seeing that Satan and his associ-
              was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Sa- ated powers and principalities refused to be “made subject
              tan, who deceives the whole world; HE WAS CAST TO unto him” (the resurrected Messiah). The words of

              The Berean Voice July-August 2002
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