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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 57
horse), the enemy was to come and sow tares (a FALSE gospel) among the wheat. In explaining the
parable Yeshua the Messiah said that “the enemy” who sowed the tares “is the Devil” (Matthew
13:24, 25, 38, and 39). This was the FORCE behind the ride of the BLACK horse. Since the four
horses represent respectively the four spiritual agencies that have chiefly influenced and deter-
mined the character of “Christian” civilization, and that the first horse and rider represent the gospel
of YEHOVAH, then Yeshua’s teaching would lead us to expect something going forth to
COUNTERACT the true gospel, something representative of some special form of Satanic activity
corresponding to the going forth of “the en-
emy” into the field (world) after Yeshua and
the apostles sowed the good seed therein.
This was accomplished by the ride of the
BLACK horse.
The going forth into the world of
YEHOVAH’s gospel necessitated a com-
plete change of tactics on the part of the “en-
emy.” Satan’s devices, which had served to
keep the nations in the darkness and corrup-
tion of paganism would serve no longer.
Other means must therefore be adopted; and
the course of the gospel must be observed
and followed with something specially
adapted to counteract its influence and nul-
lify its effects. The effect of the gospel is to
impart LIFE; but the purpose of Satan is “TO
KILL.” Those who obey Yeshua in faith are
gathered into the Kingdom of God where
“grace reigns unto eternal life.” In contrast
with this, DEATH is accompanied by Hell,
or the grave, into which its victims are gath-
The Pale Horse of Revelation 6 ered. The gospel is “the word of TRUTH”
so, by way of contrast, Satan would employ
for his ends various forms of “the lie” (II
Thessalonians 2:12). In other words, some deceptive form of teaching, some imitation of the gos-
pel, “another gospel,” which represents “another Jesus,” a gospel which corrupts and perverts the
true gospel of YEHOVAH.
This deadly, soul-destroying lie -- in various forms -- has followed the track of the gospel in
every part of the field -- and from the days of the apostles until now. Wherever the WHITE horse
and his rider have gone, the RED and BLACK horses have followed, with the PALE horse and his
rider tagging along in the rear with hell or the grave as his companion. DEATH and the GRAVE
were the natural results for those who refused to partake of the heresies of the black horse! Satan
has used various destructive agencies, not the least was the sword. As Paul mentioned, the purity of
the gospel was being perverted in his day and many were being put to death as a result. With the as-
cendancy of the Papacy the death toll increased. Historians have conservatively estimated that at
least 50 million people were put to death by the Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.
The Berean Voice September-October 2002