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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse                                                        59


              The four living creatures, who are associated in a special way with YEHOVAH’s purposes in the
              new creation, are definitely related to the action of the four horses and their riders. This further con-
              firms the fact that what YEHOVAH has revealed to us here are the symbols of the four major spiri-
              tual agencies, whereby the character of this age has been largely determined. The first and greatest
              in its effect is the TRUE gospel (the WHITE horse) -- through which YEHOVAH God is acting
              upon the world directly through His Word and spirit. By the other three the effects of the Messiah’s
              coming into the world act upon it indirectly. For the strife and variance (the “sword”) which he said
              he would send throughout the earth (the RED horse), were provoked by the true gospel, and have al-
              ways and everywhere followed in its wake. Likewise the powerful influence of the propagation of a
              commercialized and perverted gospel by Satan’s campaign of venomous lies, murderous heresies,
              suppression of the Scriptures and stirring up the hatred of governments against the true gospel (the
              BLACK horse), has led to the great harvest of the PALE horse of DEATH and the GRAVE.

                     If you are at all observant you will realize that the color scheme of the horses shows a pro-
              gression downward, ending in darkness and death. This, of course, is “according to the course of
              this world” (Ephesians 2:2). But YEHOVAH God’s order reverses this. He finds us in a state of
              death and darkness, and raises us up to the brilliant light of His Holy Word, bringing us to the time
              when YEHOVAH “will wipe away every tear” from our eyes, and to the time when “there shall be
              no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former thing have
              passed away” (Revelation 21:4). This is the time when YEHOVAH God the Father Himself will
              once again dwell with mankind, “and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be with them
              and be their God” (21:3).

                     Satan has done a superlative job, for even today the very Churches of God are thoroughly
              confused over the meaning of the Book of Revelation. Many believe the white horse and its rider
              represent false religion -- an interpretation that is thoroughly refuted by the Bible. Others believe
              that with Bin Laden and President Bush we have entered into the time of the red horse, while others
              believe it represents coming wars that will precede the end of the age. According to some the black
              horse represents famine or global inflation -- or a connection with the black uniformed SS troops of
              Nazi Germany!! The majority believe the pale horse represents plague or pestilence -- but the origi-
              nal Greek does not say that! The word translated “plague” in some versions of the Bible is also
              translated “death” in others. Revelation 6:8 clearly defines the pale horse by naming it “Death”!
              While plague or pestilence can certainly be the outcome of persecution by those promoting false re-
              ligion, this is NOT the main thrust of the ride of the pale horse. Only when you interpret scripture
              with scripture can the TRUTH regarding the four horsemen of the Apocalypse be revealed.

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              The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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