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70                                                                        The Fraud of Islam

              religious texts vilify Christians and Jews (jointly called "peoples of the Book") as "apes" and "pigs".
              Such passages, however, are found only in the original Arabic. They are seldom found in transla-
              tions into other languages, especially not in Western tongues.

                     As noted in this article, the term "Islam" is Arabic stands not for "peace" but for "submis-
              sion," and includes a play-on-words to the similarly-sounding Hebrew "Shalom", which does mean
              "peace". The Islamic view of "peace" ("salem") with an adversary or "infidel" (non-Moslem) does
              not signify coexistence or cooperation. The Islamic definition of "peace" is the conquest, or "sub-
              mission" of the enemy.

                                            ISLAM VERSUS THE WORLD

                     Moslems divide the world into two irreconcilable camps, the first is "dar al-Islam", or
              "house of Islam", which includes all countries where Islam currently prevails, and the second is
              "dar al-harb", or "house of war", which includes everywhere else. The object of Islam and its fol-
              lowers is to expand their faith (and power) until the whole world is within their realm. It is a global
              vision, similar to that used in the last century by Communism, but much more powerful, being a re-
              ligion as well as a political ideology.

                                                   THE HOLY WAR

                     The vehicle for Islamic expansion is the concept of "jihad" or "holy war". In translation,
              they misrepresent "jihad" as "struggle" and sometimes "self defense".

                     In reality, the Koran instructs that "jihad" is a "sacred duty", incumbent on "every Moslem".
              There is also a schedule of rewards for those who "dispose of" infidels (which include any
              non-Moslem, Christians, Jews, Hindus and others). The same rewards are bestowed also upon all
              those who die while participating in holy-war campaigns. As the Yussuf Ali English translation of
              the Koran states: "Allah hath conferred on those who fight [for him] with their wealth and their
              lives a rank above those who tarry."

                     In addition, "he who has not taken part, or at least considered taking part, in a campaign of
              jihad until [he reaches] the end of his life, meets his death holding a branch of hypocrisy." Millions
              of Moslems who believe these writings to be divine have died due to their participation in Islamic
              so-called holy wars. Many terrorist atrocities are committed by groups that utilize the word "jihad",
              whether in their names or in their goal. Contrary to affirmations which Moslem leaders continu-
              ously feed Western listeners, killing innocent civilian "infidels" is far from disobeying Islamic pre-
              cepts. Indeed such actions are equal to killing soldiers or other religions' leaders.

                                               A "STRANGE" FAITH !?!

                     The Moslem apologists state that Islam seems strange to Westerners because the West is
              highly secularized. "Moslems have religion always uppermost in their minds," they say, implying
              that others do not. The simple truth is that Islam seems strange because it is the pure reverse to any
              other faith -- that is, completely contrary to the Western concept of what a religion should stand for
              -- especially to those Westerners who are heirs of the Biblical, Christian tradition. It is a religion

                                                               The Berean Voice September-October 2002
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