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The Fraud of Islam 75
The defenders of Islam avoid the fact that the Koran, and the Moslem religious law called
the "Sha'ri'ia," not only permits but in fact perpetuates and sanctifies slavery. In fact, they command
that children of slave women remain slaves from birth to death. No Islamic country can accept Is-
lam as the state religion and the Koran and the "Sha'ri'ia" as the law-of-the-land, as does Saudi Ara-
bia, and abolish slavery at the same time. The institution of slavery is too ingrained in Islamic law.
This is why slavery is common in almost all Moslem countries, although officially the fact is vehe-
mently denied.
Saudi Arabia announced its intention to abolish slavery in the mid-1960s -- a full century af-
ter the rest of the world. There is overwhelming evidence, however, that this announcement was
only a public relations gesture, and Saudi slavery continues unabated.
As professor Murray Gordon convincingly shows in his book Slavery in the Islamic World,
the Arabs were the chief slave masters and traders for centuries, concentrating their efforts in black
Africa. They still are. In fact, in spoken Arabic, the words "black" and "slave" are the same.
Women were also prime targets and enslaved for use as sexual objects, and not only in the
harems of wealthy Arabs and Islamic royalty. In all cases, non-Moslems were prime candidates for
slavery because Islam considers them inferior.
It should be stressed that this is not only a matter of history but of ongoing practice today.
Recent reports show how the Islamic dictatorship of Sudan -- as part of its brutal campaigns against
the Christian Sudanese in the south -- were enslaving the children of the Dinka tribe and other
Christian communities. Unfortunately, the world press has showed little interest in the story.
According to the Moslems’ public relation campaign, Islam "believes that the Divine Law,
the "Sha'ri'ia", should be taken very seriously". This is true and constitutes a primary reason why Is-
lam clashes so strongly with Western society. When they are dealing with a Western audience, the
Moslems purposely neglect to mention what this supposedly divine law mandates.
The "Sha'ri'ia" is a belch from the Dark Ages, a rigid, barbaric code that calls for
beheadings, dismemberments, and public flogging for a number of crimes, some rather petty. The
"Sha'ri'ia" contains no presumption of innocence, allows no right for counsel or appeal, and permits
no trial by a jury of one's peers. In practical terms, the accused is at the mercy of Islamic clerics. In
this system, Moslem and non-Moslem alike can expect no justice.
Hence, it should come as no surprise that under Islam public executions constitute a kind of
spectator sport, especially in Saudi Arabia. Sometimes the executioner cuts the prisoner to draw
blood before performing the sentence, an act of needless cruelty. An assistant then pokes the victim
in the ribs with a stick so that he jerks his head upward to meet the falling sword or ax. The blood
flows and the crowd of spectators cheer.
The Berean Voice September-October 2002