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                       Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I might take it again. No
                       one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I
                       HAVE POWER TO TAKE IT AGAIN. This command I have received from My Father.

                       Jesus showed that He was greater than Moses, for John mentions that Moses had written of
               Him (John 5:46). He was greater than David, the "man after God's own heart," for David, He said,
               "inspired by the spirit, calls the Messiah Lord" (Matthew 22:43). He openly stated that He was
               greater than the prophets Solomon and Jonah (Luke 11:31-32) and that He was even greater than
               the very Temple of God in Jerusalem (Matthew 12:6) -- for the temple contained only a manifesta-
               tion of God's presence, but in Him the whole fulness of God dwelt bodily.

                       Although there had been many prophets in the history of Israel, there was to be only one
                       Messiah. And whereas the prophets had performed many signs, the Messiah reserved to
                       Himself the greatest sign of all. As Jonah's ordeal in the stomach of the fish in many ways
                       foreshadowed this sign, namely the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, Jesus therefore
                       set forth this sign alone as a proof that He was indeed the Messiah (What Indeed Was the
                       Sign of Jonah?)

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