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               was also a picture of something common that was transformed into something precious, made holy,
               and placed in the Dwelling Place of God. Such are our lives in Him!

                       Entering in, we were again amazed at the compact dimensions of the structure. The object
               that dominates and compels one's attention, is the beautiful seven-branched Menorah. Its lamps
               were filled with pure olive oil and lit by the priest every evening, thus providing light in the Holy
               Place. The original was crafted in one piece from one talent, or seventy pounds, of pure gold. Our
               guide quickly informed us that none of the objects in this Tabernacle were made of real gold, sil-
               ver, etc. The construction of the true Tabernacle called for one ton of gold, four tons of silver and
               two and a half tons of copper!

                       To the right, or on the northern side opposite the Menorah, stands the Table of Showbread
               -- a gold covered table upon which twelve freshly baked loaves of bread were placed each week.
               These represented the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel, as well as God's miraculous provision.
               The loaves remained fresh and were eaten by Aaron and his sons every Shabbat when the new
               loaves were set in place. (Leviticus 24:5-9)

                       We saw a model of the High Priest, standing beside the golden Altar of Incense that stood
               before the beautifully woven curtain of the Holy of Holies. The outer garment of the High Priest
               was embroidered with the four theme colors mentioned previously; however they are interwoven
               with threads of gold. At this close proximity, in the very place of the Shechinah Presence of the
               Holy One, the priest reflects the glory of His Presence. On his shoulders are the onyx stones on
               which the names of the twelve tribes are engraved. He thus carried the whole nation before the
               Throne of mercy, just as Yeshua our High Priest and good Shepherd carries us as lambs upon His
               shoulders before the throne of the Father. The names of the tribes were also inscribed on the
               twelve precious stones on the High Priest's breastplate. Here he carried them close to his heart,
               each one on an individual, unique stone, as he offered up the special, fragrant incense and entered
               into the Place of God's Presence. How deeply reassuring it is to know that we too, are individually
               his "precious treasure" when approaching Him in the fragrant presence of our High Priest.

                                                     The Holy of Holies

                       `Beyond the veil, the perfect space measuring 10 cubits square, all is covered with gold.
               As we passed through the curtain, it was almost impossible to imagine how it must have been for
               the High Priest to enter the awesome holiness and glory of the Holy of Holies. We were awed,
               however, to see the model of the Ark of the Covenant with the solid gold plate of the mercy seat
               set beneath the wings of the Cherubim. Once a year, on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest
               would enter and sprinkle blood on this mercy seat. Here was the Throne of God, and instead of
               strict judgment we find the most gracious mercy. The guide carefully slid open the smooth "gold"
               plate, and peeping inside we saw replicas of the three objects the Ark once contained: the two
               stone tablets on which the Ten Words of God had been inscribed, representing the Torah given to
               Moshe, a golden pot containing manna, and Aaron's almond rod that miraculously budded and
               bloomed as a  sign of God's appointment and anointing. Together they formed a perfect picture of
               the Lord's provision, protection and guidance. Death had reigned from Adam to Moses (Romans 4)
               but here we saw the Torah , the Word of Life, to be fulfilled by the Living Torah and Bread of
               Life, Yeshua, the Anointed High Priest, Who would cause the veil into the Holy of Holies to be

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