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                Dankenbring stuck himself out on a line and now he  postponement be, if there is any.  I bet you will come
                should simply and clearly state -- I was wrong! Make  up with numerous interpretations, and if not,  your fol-
                ammends with his Brothers (not children -- he could  lowers someday down the line will show you how
                apologize for that attitude too) and then go before God  wrong you are and goes on his own.  Look at how cha-
                and settle things. This should not be a major hurdle for  otic  our interpretations could be when you know  they
                an average (even a weak) follower of Christ, but much  are now various groups around,  when they do not sub-
                less so for a self-proclaimed leader who, after all,  scribe to the Jewish  calendar. Suttcliffe and Richard
                should not lead like the heathens do, but humbly serve  Scott are 2 small examples.
                                                               c) God says he will not give us a trial that we could not
                I don't think it's much of a coincidence that Bill so ad-  bear.  Now imagine  yourself the head of a church of
                mires and respects the Pharisees since he too is of the  over a  hundred adult members and have such Sabbath
                "...blind leading the blind..."  Blind doesn't mean one isn't  that moved around the secular week,  what would be the
                able to see and know all (God alone may do that) but  ramifications? Jobs losses would be massive as only a
                that one is able to see all that is clearly before him. I  lucky  few with good skill will be able to find self-
                hope Bill begins to look again but the hour is too late  employment.  Mortgages defaults, jobs losses and fam-
                for me to count on that. My struggle is to follow Christ  ily divisions will occurred, children goes without edu-
                as He was led by His Father's spirit.          cation and  food and it would not be far from  a great
                                                                             -- David Hinkley  tribulation scenario.  Some members  I  know are still
                                                               bitter over the 1975 episode, where they had given up
                John,                                          so much  and now in dire living  conditions. I am not
                Thank you for your message.  I thought I might express  saying that God will  ensure smooth living on his
                some points that you may like to think about:  followers. I am only saying that He wouldn’t want a
                                                               massive trial at this time that most could not bear.
                1. The Sabbath - I thought it would be very naïve on
                your part when you wrote that your differences with  d) You are in fact, saying that we are not Sabbath keep-
                Bill are small. Actually the Sabbath is fundamental and  ers and as such are no better than any Sunday keepers.
                basic to this foundation.  Well I had read  your articles  Then John, you need to explain who or what the seven
                but have not subscribed to your conclusion.    churches of Revelation are.  You need to explain each
                                                               in detail, so that any thinking person could be con-
                a) I am however not a biblical scholar and  thus I would  vinced, that they had been keeping what you  thought is
                not indulged in technical details.  Nevertheless I would  the weekly Sabbath. Where are your historical evi-
                believe that the Jews had the oracle of  God’s law and  dence for each and every church?   Who, for example,
                calendar through the passage of time. This doesn’t  is Jesebel? That, I can assure you, is going to be a mas-
                mean that they are perfect.  Of course they are not but  sive task in front of you.
                as a race (with their Rabbi as leaders) they are the clos-
                est, and in the world to come every gentile will cling to  2). Well, I do not believe B Clinton is the beast either.
                the skirt of a Jew if he can.  And even if or when  they  We are taught to  prove all things and there is nothing
                are wrong, e.g., the  calendar, God in Rom 3:1-3 says  solid to say that such and such are evidence.  Because
                clearly that He will not let them go wrong and that God  of his depraved character  some thought it is ‘nice’ to
                will back them up.                             demonized Clinton with Nero but where is the link?
                                                               However there is evidence  that Assyria will be an en-
                b) Your analyses are not consistent. Look, now you  emy of Israel. But who then is Assyria? Germany,
                thought you can establish the weekly Sabbath based on  Russia or China? Have you ever wonder why Hong
                the 7, 14, 21 and  28th of each lunar month. Yet the  Kong based Li Ka Shin is such an  enemy of the United
                current Jewish lunar month is a calculated  calendar (by  States for establishing a business link with the Panama
                the Rabbi) and is not an observed one (from Jerusalem)  government but not in Europe when the same business-
                if you are basing every evidence on the Scriptures  man also is the biggest port operator in Rottendam?
                alone.  Now, if you are consistent you need to point out
                that you need only used the observed calendar, i.e. lunar  Well, John, I hope you are well and may God bless you
                before you can establish the weekly (and if you do that  with a clear mind in your research.  We will be glad to
                may I ask who give you authority to take the position of  hear that you  are having problems with your Sabbath
                the  Sandhedrin upon yourself!). After that you will conclusion and welcome you back with open arms.
                need to establish whether there is and/or when will be a                                                                   -- Joseph Huang

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