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                of one case for covering the said chair, as appears  His sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, were adopted by
                from the particulars of the wardrobe book, L1 19s 7d.'  Jacob, who gave them his sacred name, "Israel" (Gene-
                                                                sis 48:5), and he laid the blessings of Isaac and Abra-
                "The chair is of solid oak, and still firm and sound,  ham upon them, placing Ephraim before Manasseh.
                though much disfigured by wanton mutilations, as well  Bearing this and the origin of the Stone in mind, we
                as by the hand of time. Immediately under the flat seat  conclude that the ten shields originally placed around
                the stone rests on a kind of middle frame, supported at  the Stone, identified the Biblical House to whom the
                the corners by four crouching lions;  on a bottom Stone belonged; the original tribe of Joseph who gave
                frame, all around, on a level with the stone, ran for-  way to his two sons. By the act of crowning their mon-
                merly a beautiful piece of tracery in quarterly divi-  archs on the stone the Britannic people show they are
                sions,  each  containing  a  shield,  originally  descendants of the northern "House of Israel."
                emblazoned; but there are no vestiges of the arms suf-
                fiently distinct to be identified. Of those shields only  The Sacred Stone Reveals Our Name
                four out of ten remain, all the rest have broken away;
                and even the tracery itself is entirely gone in front, so  Judah was chosen by God to furnish Israel with their
                that the stone is there fully exposed to view. The  kings, when he was given the  sceptre (Genesis
                whole chair has been completely covered with gilding  49:9-10). We look at the Coronation Chair and recog-
                and work, much of which may yet be distinguished on  nize him immediately in his proper place; the lion, his
                close inspection. On the inside of the back are some  primary emblem, supporting the entire chair and the
                faint traces of a man in a royal robe -- the foot and  Stone. We see old Jacob's Stone, and have evidence of
                shoe are quite visible; the shoe was a sharp pointed  the emblems of the ten tribes surrounding it. The in-
                one.                                            formed, need no more proof that the "House of Israel"
                                                                exists today.
                "The entire height of the chair is 5 feet nine inches; the
                breadth at the bottom 3 feet 2 inches, width 2 feet,  In Westminster Abbey, rests this very precious thing; a
                breadth of the seat 2 feet 5 inches, depth 1 foot 6  treasure pointing the way by reminding us we are the
                inches; from the seat to the ground 2 feet 3 1/2 inches;  Lord's. This is Jacob's sacred Stone on which he laid
                height of elbows 1 foot 2 inches."              his head and saw the stairway to heaven, and in the
                                                                morning called that place Bethel, the "House of God."
                   Continuity of the Biblical Link is Maintained
                                                                It is possible that Mr. Planch believed in the Israelite
                In a  Complete Guide to Heraldry, by A.C. Fox- origin of the British people, because he referred to the
                Davies, we learn that the shield is the vital part of her-  Stone as a fragment of the old Hebrew race, but what
                aldry, "for on it are depicted the signs and emblems of  did Edward I know about the biblical background of the
                the house to which it appertains." This reference also  Britannic people? In his book, Robert the Bruce, King
                shows that heraldry's roots are in the Bible (Numbers  of Scots, Ronald McNair Scott states (page 18) that
                1:2-18-52; 2:2 and 34).                         Edward I was a Christian and constant in his religious
                Mr. Planch noted ten panels containing identifying
                shields, formerly in colour, around the sacred Stone,  Though the acknowledged purpose of the Crusades was
                called  Jacob's Pillar. At that time, only four shields  to free Jerusalem from the infidels there is a stronger
                remained, the others had been broken from their oak  motive for our kindred to feel an attachment to such
                frames. But the four were too dim to identify the em-  action. It is likely that they knew their ancestors origi-
                blems. He states that they were entirely gone in front,  nated in Palestine and held irrevocable title to those
                "leaving the Stone fully exposed to view." Yet there is  lands by God's decree. Knowing he led a Crusade there
                significance in the number ten. It was the number of  in 1272, when his father, Henry III died, we may as-
                tribes in the northern "House of Israel," among whom  sume that Edward was aquainted with the history of the
                was Joseph, who received the "Birthright" from his fa-  Children of Israel and their former home.
                ther, Jacob, and possession of his sacred Stone (Gene-
                sis 49:24).                                          Edward I was an Ambitious Monarch

                                                                He was aware of the sacred Stone of Scotland and its

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