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                       Summon archers against Babylon, all who bend the bow.  Encamp all around her: let no
                       one escape. Repay her according to her deeds/works; just as she has done, do to her – be
                       cause she acted with pride against Jahwah – against the Sanctuary of Israel.

                       Babylon gave the Jews the false Sabbath of Saturday, therefore they receive a false Sab-
               bath.  The Muslims/Babylon keep the false Sabbath of Friday, which is dedicated to the god-planet
               Venus, the most brilliant star in the heavens other than the Sun and Moon.

                       It all started way back in Genesis 1:14 during the time of Creation.  Jahwah set his clock in
               the heavens for all to see – not within man’s reach to change His Sacred Calendar. “And Elohim
               said, ‘Let there be light in the firmament of the heaven to DIVIDE the day from the night; and let
               them (the lights) be for SIGNS, and for SEASONS, and for days, and years.’”

                       The Hebrew word for SIGNS is “owth” which means “mark or evidence.”  The Gesenius’
               Lexicon defines SIGNS as “signs and times.”  The Hebrew word for SEASONS is “moed” mean-
               ing “appointment, a fixed time; esp. a festival, the place of meeting or assembly;  a synagogue.”  If
               this is true couldn’t it read: “….let them be for SIGNS OF TIME/EVIDENCE OF TIME/MARKS
               OF TIME, for meeting places/appointments to meet/synagogues for meeting/festivals and for days
               and years’?

                       Lamentations 2:5-14 declares in no uncertain terms: Jahwah has caused Zion to forget her
               SABBATHS – The House of Jahwah have proclaimed their own days of moed/appointment.

                       Like an enemy, Jahwah hath swallowed up/consumed Israel; He has swallowed up all her
                       mansions;  He has cast away His fortified/fenced/walled up city and brought upon the
                       DAUGHTER of Judah/Zion mourning and lamentation.  Thus he took away his Sok
                       (protected/entwined protected covering – the masculine form for sukkah) which was like
                       a covered over, fenced in, protected garden.  He has cast away His appointed times/feasts
                       (moed);  Jahwah has caused the appointed festivals (moed) and SABBATH TO BE FOR-
                       GOTTEN IN ZION.  He has spurned and rejected in the indignation of His anger the king
                       (president) and the priest (minister). Jahwah has rejected His altar and abandoned His
                       sanctuary. Into the hand of the enemy, he has surrendered the walls of her towers.  (Tow-
                       ers of Babel.)  A proclamation (of their own), they have set up/set  forth/permitted in the
                       House of Jahwah as a day of festival/appointed meeting (moed).

                       In the House of Jahwah, they have proclaimed THEIR OWN DAY as a moed festival of
               time – Sunday or Saturday which honors the Sun or Saturn  -– two of the Babylonian Mystery gods
               of the Sacred Hebdomad.

                       Jahwah has resolved to destroy the walls of the DAUGHTER of Zion, stretching out the
                       line, not staying his hand until he has engulfed everything. He made tower and wall la-
                       ment and both together lay desolate.  Her gates (Zion’s) lie buried in the earth; their bars
                       smashed to pieces.  Her king and leaders are exiled among the nations.  The LAW is no
                       longer known and obeyed and the prophets have no visions from Jahwah.  O Jerusalem,
                       beloved Jerusalem, what can I say?  With what can I compare you?  How can I comfort
                       you O Daughter of Zion?  For thy WOUND is great as the sea, who can heal thee?  Your

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